aurim fruit Material in Isle of Melas | World Anvil
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aurim fruit (AHR-rim, or ORR-rim)

An aurim is an apple-like fruit that is prized for its sweet, almost honey-like taste. It is the most important cash crop of the Terpan settlement of firbolgs. Money from the sale of aurims and their associated products account for almost 15% of the total annual agricultural income for the region. The Aurim Association is the Growers Guild that owns most of the trees and controls sales.

The aurim can be eaten raw, right off the tree, or prepared or cooked into a number of different products. Its most famous application is aurim sauce, a flavorful condiment that compliments almost any meat dish. Firbolgs recognize the economic necessity of growing aurims for this purpose, even though the consider the practice of eating meat to be distasteful at best.

The most distinctive characteristic of an aurim is its wide range of similar golden-based colors. Opinions on the taste of an aurim vary widely from person to person and species to species, with many reporting different opinions. It is generally agreed that all who eat the fruit enjoy it, and bring their own tastes, thoughts and memories to the experience.

The consumption of aurims has a cumulative effect of improving a body's metabolism and overall health. If aurims are part of a person's or community's steady diet (i.e. 10+ eaten over the course of a month or so), there is a 5% cumulative chance of increasing Constitution scores by 1 point (5% month 1, 10% month 2, 15% month 3 and so on).   Periodlically, certain volumes of aurims as set aside and shipped clandestinely to the halfling/tiefling communities of Colinvale and used as an ingredient in Champig Bae.


Material Characteristics

An aurim is about the size of a large grapefruit, and one person can rarely consume an entire one at a single sitting. Its flesh is firm but yielding and slightly spongy on the very top near the stem. It grows in clusters of 3-4 on the tree.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The taste of the aurim is generally agreed to be quite pleasant and refreshing, and complements most any dish or meal just by itself. It can also be cooked into pies and mixed into sauce famously used as a condiment for meat dishes.

Geology & Geography

The aurim only grows in the regions surrounding the community of Terpan where it is carefully cultivated, harvested and sold by the firbolg inhabitants. It is unknown why the aurim only grows in this specific region - attempts to plant in other areas of Melas have been unsuccessful.

Origin & Source

The aurim tree is a tall, gnarled fruit tree with many low, strong branches. It is ideal for climbing and treehouse building as well as fruit-bearing. The wood is tough and not useful for construction and resists burning to a certain degree.

Life & Expiration

An aurim stays good for up to 3 weeks after being picked, then it tends to shrivel and emit a foul smell.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Aurims can be found in many homes, and is especially used in taverns and other restaurants in the higher end quarters of the Isle.
The aurim has no discernable odor until its flesh is exposed. Then it is honey-sweet.
Some say it is a mixture between an apple and a pear, with highlights of honey, while others swear it tastes just like bananas and strawberries with hints of cinna
Colors of an aurim, depending on variety, range from a golden honey to an amber green to a burnt auburn, but all possess a distinctive aura-like glow.
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