United Nations Space Force Organization in Isaac Atomic Solar System | World Anvil
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United Nations Space Force

The largest and most powerful space based military in the solar system, the space force is legally only allowed to operate above 80 km on Earth, and only recieves a small amount of the UN's total GDP. However, it has massive fleets of ships, a powerful R&D arm, and little effective opposition. As such, they patrol the Solar System, spreading the power of the UN, helping communities, and overall making sure the UN is seen in the best light.


Commanded by 2 Fleet Admirals, serving at the UN headquarters in New York and Beijing. Fleet Command, controlling individual Fleets, is based in Collins Station. The day to day operations of the Fleets are commanded by various Admirals and Vice Admirals, with each fleet split into 4-5 task forces, each with at least a flag officer in command.

Public Agenda

Helping the UN remain the most powerful, influential and wealthy government in the solar system.


The UN space force was initially an extension of the UN peacekeepers, sent to various bases in earth orbit and mars. Eventually, the need came for armored transportation between them, and so the space force as a navy was born. They have only been involved in 1 skirmish of any real importance, the Martian Independence "War", but have participated in around 20 minor battles and fights across the solar system, mostly with rogue entities like pirates.

Tutela nostra Patria

Founding Date
Military, Space navy
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Manufactured Items


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