Hero Plot in In Defense of the Dawn | World Anvil
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The adventures of Dawnguard as a mercenary guild.

Plot points/Scenes

Session0101- Dawnguard meets Forest Dragons on their way to riches and fame in Riverrun.   Session0107- Dawnguard discusses the darkness in the Fytulk Timberlands and Ryleigh suggested telling Takara that they would be willing to help if necessary.   Session0109- The group is confronted by a Walker in the Fytulk Timberlands that makes Seirixori think they might be attached to the darkness Takara had warned her about.   Session0110- The group has a brief discussion about the potential link between the grey elves and the creepiness of the Fytulk Timberlands. The Dawnguard also delivers Alarys to the Temple in Riverrun successfully and are granted a reward of 25pp.

Notable Locations

Notable Individuals



    Session0109, Session0110


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