The Endless War in Ifiron | World Anvil

The Endless War

Since before the Conclave of Races, a war has been raging on a single front. On that front lies the Silver City, the funnel point for a war that has lasted more than 6,000 years. The enemy is a seemingly endless army of Orcs. Where they get their numbers is a mystery, and any attempts to interrogate them reveal they are but mindless drones sent to plunder. One thing is for sure is that they bring their dead back with them.   This curious fact has raised questions among scholars. Some believe that they are raised from the dead, but the lack of Black Skull Mark shuts that theory down. Others believe they are born into adulthood and thrown at the city, grown from the corpses of their dead. None can say for certain.   The resource demand from this ongoing war has forced the cities of the Conclave to work together, pooling resources and manpower in order to keep the Silver City, and from there, the rest of Itherion from falling.   The strengths of the Silver City are also its biggest weaknesses. A great bridge built by the late Illuna, bridges the two continents of Itherion and Orcium, but cannot be destroyed due to Illuna magic. Any attempts to destroy the bridge result in its repair. At the end of the great bridge however is the massive walls that were also left behind by the Illuna, containing the same properties. Some scholars believe this to be a cruel joke from the Illuna. The Orcs funnel to the bridge as they are incapable of crossing the deadly straight between the two continents. Massive underwater sea monsters patrol the waters, destroying any boats that attempt to pass through, another mystery of the region.   Whatever the case may be for the circumstances of the war, there are constant struggles to determine the source of the Orcs and their motives. A group known as the Eternal Scouts attempt missions out into Orc territory. Most missions end in discovering an incoming horde or war encampment. Divination magic struggles because of the mysterious Divination Fog that permeate much of the world.   Several efforts are being made to get an upper edge in the war. This includes possible ways to safely navigate the oceans around Itherion, and even attempts to clear the Divination Fog. All of these are spearheaded by scholars with the help of brave adventurers.


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