Dragon Scar Geographic Location in Ifiron | World Anvil

Dragon Scar

Formerly known as the Emerald Wood, in the year 137c (10137 EC) the began. The war was kickstarted when a massive volcano known as The Red Dragon by the inhabitants of Itherion, erupted. The Emerald Wood contained several cities, most prominently the City of Embers, which was renamed after the Dragon War. Founder of the Conclave of Races, Faerune Solice led an army into the Emerald Wood to attempt to push back the dragon conflict, but him and the army were never seen again.   After 260 years of fighting, eventually the fighting died down and the remaining region is now what is known as the Dragon Scar. With the aftermath of the war the land was turned into a wasteland, scarred with the effects of dragon breaths. Poisonous gases still linger in the area making life increasing more difficult to bounce back into the area. Nearly all who enter the Dragon Scar never return.


The Dragon Scar is contained by the Tempis River, the Wind Desert, Sundering Mountains, and the sea. The land itself used to be a forest floor but is now a variety of burnt earth, frozen tundra, and acidic swamps. Poisonous mist clouds crawl along the ground with a large variety of poisons (sleeping poisons, paralysis poisons, etc.). Some small lakes and ponds of poisonous and acidic water still exist. Magic was also influenced, making certain regions wild magic zones, or sometimes anti-magic zones.

Fauna & Flora

Most of the original plants and animals of the area were destroyed but over the past several thousand years some plants and animals adapted to the harsh conditions of the wastelands. Some plants have adapted to the poisonous water and air, using the poison as a defense mechanism perpetuating the poisonous conditions. Very few animals exist in the region however a few are either adapted to the poisonous conditions, able to consume some of the plants. Some elementals have found home in some of the less hospitible areas like fire elementals in burnt out swaths of land.   With magic having been altered this allows some creatures to naturally traverse between the planes, some killed quickly and others finding the region a natural home, Slaad being an example. It has also allowed several undead to naturally occur, being mindless beings the Dragon Scar is the most likely place for one to encounter an undead Dragon

Natural Resources

There are very few natural resources that are useable in the area. It is a natural source of various poisons and dragon bones, as the remains of the dragons have not gone anywhere.
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