Corruption Prophecy

A prophecy was written many years ago during the rebel takeover on Somerston Key. Partially written in Elvish to avoid falling into the wrong hands, Raina White discovered the tome containing this precious information. Spending years of her life working to discover the source of the corruption on the island, she devoted nearly all of her energy to unraveling this written work that had been passed down through her tribe. She suspected it had to do with the corruption based on the surrounding context, but she was unable to translate the text until along came two explorers. Luckily, they were able to help her decipher the code.

Grizzled worn by wind, salt, and rain. Creaky from the years.   Burly men hauling boxes and barrels.   On the edge of nothing and everything, you will find me.

The prophecy spoke of a man who, upon magic returning, would seek to destroy the magic of Somerston Key once more. The tome suggested it came from another world, housed in a box, given to another unwitting soul, unaware of the power it truly contained within. Upon its release to the world, it would slowly destroy land, nature, and people that resided anywhere it touched.

The explorers came to see the effects of this corruption as plants that oozed a thick, black, oil-like substance. Dead, decaying creatures along rivers that looked perfectly healthy apart from large, black, open wounds.

Unable to understand what this message meant, the travelers sought out a reclusive wizard, Elendar Jhalavar. A secretive man, who many years ago all but disappeared from the island, some don't even believe he still exists. He pointed to a dock worker the party had already met, Wat Daham. Upon meeting this Wat, the party discovered the treachery ran much deeper than Somerston Key. At this point, it was clear this was merely the beginning, and the prophecy merely was a stepping stone to the spread of the darkness.

Grizzled worn by wind, salt, and rain. Creaky from the years.   Burly men hauling boxes and barrels.   On the edge of nothing and everything, you will find me

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