Wrinkle-Weed Species in HSA (Homeland State Authority) | World Anvil
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(a plant or animal that lives in an inhospitable region)

Basic Information


Wrinkle-Weed is an invasive species of thorny weed that has taken to growing on the salt flats of No-Man's Land. It grows long and spindly like a vine that tends to wind in spiral-like patterns as it grows.  The plant has a thick stock that is hard to cut through without newly sharpened metal scythe and sharp thorns which it uses to cling onto the wreckage left, making it very hard to remove once it's started to grow in an area.  It's been sucking the remaining nutrients and water out of the soil, making the conditions so that few other plants   It's a creeping plant, and if not dealt with is looking at escaping No-Man's Land and heading towards New East Port Town.  A group of miners in New East Port Town has been hard at work keeping the Wrinkle-Weed back from growing on and destroying the Post-Oil Fuel mines.  The plant is fairly useless to humans, it has no nutrition value and tastes pretty bad, but the Stevenes people have taken to boiling it and drinking it as tea out of desperation (it's slightly poisonous nature when boiled mimics the drinking of alcohol in humans).
Geographic Distribution


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