Dwarves Ethnicity in Howllands | World Anvil
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Dwarves. Hedge-lings. Mountain Folk. These are all the common names for the people of the Mountains, the great race of miners, warriors, smiths, and masons that have literally and figuratively shaped both the underbelly and cities of The Howllands. While the common folk know them by these names the true name of these people is known only to them a well guarded and highly honored piece of knowledge that has been past down from King to Heir since the beginning of the race themselves. All dwarves refer to themselves by their house or family name or the name of their specific type. The kingdom of Krimzon beneath The Scarlet Mountains is known only as The Red-borne for there maroon tanned skin and blazing orange and blonde beards that grow brown and dark with age as if smoldering in their years of tenure. The Coalition of The Bleak Sun beneath the great expanse of The Scorched Dunes have taken the name of Gem-struck for their piercing blue eyes and light grey tinted skin matched with their black as coal beards that grow silver as they age. The reclusive any nay mythical kingdom of Ether-Frost beneath the decollete Frigid Waste has been given the name of Snow Beard for there snow white beards and hair and their light blue skin many mistake them for chucks of ice within a cave at first glance, their beards are pure white from the moment they are born the the day they die. Lastly the Great Lost Kingdom of Gloom Reach buried far beneath the base of Journeys End and the Sunless Mountains. in their time these dwarves bore the name Ebonhearte. The Ebonhearte were know for having skin as sleek and white as ivory and beards and hair of a deep ebony that grew into a rich soil color as they aged.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Amber, Artin, Audhild, bardryn, Dagnel, Diesa, Vistra, Helja, Mardred, Gunnloda, Torbea,

Masculine names

Adrik, Alberich, Baern, Barendd, Brottor, Flint, Ulfgar, Travok, Dain, Delg, Morgran, Orsik, Harbek.

Family names

Red-Borne, Gem-Struck, Snow-Beard, Ebonhearte


Common Taboos

In all the kingdoms of the dwarves the greatest taboo has been falling in love with elves. This was started when the elves of the hallowed forest insulted Deep King Bjorn Steel eye by shaving his two sons bare and stealing the kings treasure.


Beauty Ideals

All dwarven men have facial hair of varying amounts ranging from full beards to thick mustaches and sideburns. Beards are typically braided with rings and gemstones depending on class, wealth, social status, or job occupation. Mustaches and sideburns are grown out to braid as well. Women also have facial hair though a significantly less amount of it, this hair is usually braided to either match their betrothed's or it is simply braided with gold and gemstone to identify their status as mothers or wives or warriors.

Gender Ideals

Dwarves are very narrow minded and stubborn they realize there are differences between men and women and that both have something different to the table. But everyone man and woman must work to better themselves and the people around them. They choose not to mix the genders because if they were no one would be able to tell the difference between anyone.

Courtship Ideals

males typically court women by presenting them with great gems or beautiful fungi from rare areas of either their subterranean surroundings or from the outside world. They have been observed to have a season for courting right before the winter harvest after which they wed, bed, and produce children within the cold months.

Relationship Ideals

Dwarven nobility have been known for their polygamy and harem usage. But the average working citizen has one life long partner. They are primarily male, female but there have been tales of same sex couples within some of the kingdoms.


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