Gloom Reach Organization in Howllands | World Anvil
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Gloom Reach

Gloom Reach once the towering pinnacle of civilization, capable of halting The Great Scourge in a time long forgotten by even the deepest of stones. Now it sits a bleak, decaying ruin hidden deep within The Sunless Mountains and home to a wealth of knowledge that only the ancient dwarves themselves could fathom. While they may be gone now, the dwarves of Gloom Reach left behind all of their knowledge and treasures for any being to find and many have looked be they orcs, goblins, elves, men, and even fellow Dwarves but none have ever been able to find or even guess the location of Gloom Reach. Legends say that a great evil has seeped into the very foundations of Gloom Reaches capital city, The Desolate Keep and that a foul beast guards its secrets and treasures.


Dark King, Ebony Council, Black Lords, Riders, Nobles, Common Folk


Gloom Reach has hordes of gold stores, silver mines, and other precious metals and minerals. The kingdom has additionally several hold fasts that stretch across the entirety of The Sunless Mountains. The names of which are Dawn, Gleam, Hollow, and Stone hold respectively, each one with its own secrets and treasures to offer to any explorer or adventurer able enough to find them.


Gloom Reach was founded by Bor Stone-Foot, who is said to have carved the glorious main halls of The Desolate Keep with his bare hands. Bor was a strong, wise, and kind ruler who lead the first dwarves out of the darkness of their endless tunnels and into the brilliant hearth light of his first halls. Through the ages Bor and his people built up The Desolate Keep then known to them as Bor's Hall, into a grand complex of smithies, mines, brewery's, and feasting halls.


At the end of The War of Vengeance an event occurred, a great calamity that rocked the very foundations of the mortal realm. This event marked the death of he greatest kingdom in the history of the world. This event now known as The Disordering was the last battle of The War of Vengeance, a vendetta campaign perpetrated by The Sons of The Conqueror, this battle was the bloodiest battle of the war and saw the death of all but one of the sons and the disappearance of Gloom Reach from the face of The Howllands. Nothing is known of the specifics of this event, all that was recorded from that day only lives on in oral tradition of some ancient orc bands. It is a song about a blinding light that took from them their leaders and their enemies and how one day it will take all of them as well.


The Sunless Mountains and portions of the regions surrounding it were all believed to be once held by Gloom Reach, but all of these territories were claimed by other younger kingdoms over the ages, all that remains of this kingdoms former borders are the numerous ruins and once fort cities now turned haunted dungeons home to restless spirits and mountains of bones.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Lost Kingdom
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
It is unknown what the dwarves of Gloom Reach may have used for currency but some archaeological finds within the Sunless Mountain region hint that they may have used a hexagonal gold coin engraved with a specific rune unique to the kingdom itself as to not confuse it with other dwarvish currency.
Legislative Body
It is unknown just exactly how Gloom Reach's government was run but judging from the way other dwarven kingdoms are run it can be assumed it was a type of Patriarchal monarchy.
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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