The Imperial Kings in House of Prism | World Anvil
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The Imperial Kings

The Imperial-controlled land of Tenglan has only ever had one ruler - The Queen. To marry the Queen and become the next Imperial King the individual must meet these conditions.
  1. Be a resident of Tenglan.
  2. Have pure Imperial blood.
  3. Possess a Sorce. (Essential if they hope to pass the challenge stage.)
  4. Must declare an interest to wed the Queen.
Once these conditions are met, the Queen will question them to see if they meet her standards. If they pass, they may move to the final test.    

The Challenge:

An individual who passes all the above stages may then challenge the current king to a Sorce duel. If the King wins, he can choose to end the loser's light or allow the individual to live, but they can never again challenge to become King.   This duel of Light guarantees the Queen always has the most potent Imperial man by her side. Nobody knows why the Queen has set this as the condition for her partner, but this has always been the way since she married the first king in 2AP. To claim her hand, Clement De Raine had to win a battle royal between the most powerful Sorce practitioners of the time.   In the rare event a challenger defeats a king, they get to choose if the ex-king lives or dies. Despite the Queen's feelings, she never interferes in the decision. A defeated king that was spared must leave Imperias City and live out their remaining days in one of the other Tenglan cities.    

The Kings

So far 6 Imperial kings have won the challenge to stand by the Queen's side. Their Sorce power combined with the Queen's Essence core grants them an extended life:
  1. Clement De Raine - 148 years
  2. Augustine Filloch - 182 years
  3. Selistene Durek - 167 years
  4. Blake Trevestus - 194 years
  5. Cranough Tireste - 125 years
  6. Johan Ganay - The Current king since 819AP.
To learn more about the Kings read these documents:   The history of Tenglan   The history of Battle Balt

Written by Ricardo Butler

Imperial Life:

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