Edgevillians Species in Hoomanland | World Anvil


Created by Sam
  Edgevillians are a human-like race that are native to Nasgovia. They are a very peaceful race, preferring to not interact in violent conflicts with other nations.

Physical Attributes

General Description

Edgevillians are a human-like race, most known for their grayscale appearance. They are colour-blind, only seeing shades of white, grey and black. Their average height ranges at about 5'6", with taller Edgevillians being at 5'8"


Information about their origins is mostly a mystery, however, it has been theorised that they may have evolved from the deep oceans.
A group of Nasgovian Edgevillians



Edgevillians grow a variety of crops for food, medicine and trade. As well as conventional farms, Edgevillians also have water-based farms where they grow aquatic plants for use.
There are also multiple fish farms, to prevent the chance of overfishing in the waters.

Industries & Trade

Edgeville's primary export is fish and other resources that they find from the ocean.   Edgeville only engages in trade with nations that sign a peace treaty with them.


Edgevillian currency is a coin-based system that is backed by diamonds. The coins used for day-to-day exchanges are made from mainly tin, with higher value coins including gold or titanium alloy in them. Coins are imprinted with different kinds of fish, depending on the values of the coin. The highest value coins are imprinted with a swordfish.

Political Structure

General Description

The head of Edgeville is titled, The Edgelord, being voted in by the people. Edgevillians who take on the title dispose of their name. The last Edgevillian Leader was Mordecai, before the Edgevillian-Hooman merge. occurred.   Edgevillian laws are written up by a council and then sent through to the Edgelord, before being made official.

Views on other Cultures

Edgevillians are generally welcoming to new ideas and cultures unless it involves violence.

Foreign Cultures:


While Edgeville and Hoomans have a very strong alliance, they do have differences in philosophy. Hoomans are not opposed to Violence. Granted, Edgeville's non-violent beliefs were largely borne of Mordecai's wishes for a better society/community, it doesn't mean all Edgevillians are against war or violence. Many would find the idea of eating dirt repulsive, but many things would largely become accustomed. After the merge, some Edgevillians have taken to wearing masks, of Edgevillian design, worn with respect to the Hooman Culture of which they joined.


Because of their similar exterior, Edgevillians generally don't inherently think ill of Humans as a species.   As the climate crisis grew worse, the Edgevillian's opinion of the Humans as a nation soured as they made multiple attempts to put together agreements and contracts to try and stop the humans from continuing their pollution of the skies and the oceans.

Cultural Appearance


Edgevillians gravitate more to darker clothing, though few will go for lighter shades of grey and white. Tattoos and piercings are also commonly used as a way of self-expression.


The edgevillian concept of beauty is not a pressing one, as the exterior of an edgevillian is less important for others to be attracted to them. However, Tattoos and piercings are common things that edgevillians do find attractive on others depending on how they are displayed.

Cultural Creation


Nearer the coast, edgevillian buildings are on stilts to avoid flooding (Especially from the climate crisis. A lot of the architecture is made for practical use. Water-proofing and structural integrity are of utmost importance.   They usually go for minimalist and geometric architecture, and most buildings are created to keep water flow and direction in mind.


Edgevillian stories tell of folklore and historical tales of the ocean. There are also many non-fiction and research texts relating to the ocean and its creatures. Some fairytales are commonly read to children and darker stories for adults. Romance is also a common genre for Edgevillians.


Edgevillians have a good ear for rhythm and have a preference for post-hardcore, pop-rock, metalcore, alternative rock, pop-punk, pop, screamo, emo, and emo-pop.


Edgevillians eat a lot of fish, some to the extent where they are only pescatarian (no meats except fish). Edgeville established quite the respectful seafood industry.


Edgevillians speak Nasgovian and can easily communicate with other Nasgovian nations if they wish. Since their alliance, and later merge with the Nasgovian Hoomans, some have also decided to try and pick up on Native Hooman too.

Societal Structure/Views


When Edgevillians become exclusive, they can choose to get married to their partner. Marriage is important as a social status as to what legal benefits it can give to the couple. Married couples get tax benefits along with Legal Decision-Making benefits when their partners become ill.


Edgevillians sexually reproduce and the duration where an Edgevillian is pregnant takes about 9 - 12 months before the child is born.   When Edgevillian children are born they are taken home and raised with the family. They start to go to school at the ages between 4 and 6, which some Edgevillian Children are homeschooled instead.


Elders are treated with respect by the Edgevillian people, however, there is no special status for them, as they are just people like the rest of the Edgevillians.  

Death and Burial Practices

Edgevillians either bury their dead or cremate them to return them to the ocean, depending on how strong their belief system is.

Gender Structures/Roles

Edgevillians have loose gender structures and roles, with limitations only being what a person can or can't do. Edgevillian parents are both expected to look after their children, and there are not many specifically gendered jobs.   Edgevillians can change what kind of gender they identify as, and the process of things like name-changing is simpler. Medical documents are still marked with the biological sex of the Edgevillian so doctors know best on how to treat them.



The way that Edgevillians introduce themselves toward each other depends on the formality of the situation. Informally they will generally go by their first name, using their full name informal situations.

Displays of Affection:

Hugging, hand-holding and other minor displays of affection are okay with Edgevillians in public. Anything more than kissing on the cheek or a welcoming kiss is generally expected to be done in private.

Laws/Legal Code


For minor cases, people who break the law are sent to reformation and/or rehabilitation centres to be reeducated and reformed into a stable situation before being allowed back into society.   For major cases where a person is a danger to others, for example, murderers; they are sent to prison where they'll be unable to hurt anyone else. Edgevillians prison guards are trained on less of a pacifist mindset to be able to neutralise threats that these criminals might cause.


The use of drugs is not prohibited in the Edgevillian Nation. Edgevillians are educated on the dangers of drug use, what to do when someone has an overdose and what the adverse effects are for specific types of drugs. They are also taught how to use them safely and there are limits on when someone can take them. A similar protocol is used for alcohol.

Cultural Events


Fishing is a popular recreational activity for Edgevillians, as it is quiet and relaxing to do. Edgevillians will usually release the fish back into the water unless they are planning on taking the fish back home for food.   Water-based sports also also extremely popular with Edgevillians, including:
  • Swimming
  • Water Polo
  • Water aerobics
  • Boat racing
  • Boating
  • Canoeing
  • Kayaking
  • Sailing
  • Surfing
  • Water skiing
  • White water rafting
  • Yachting
  • Festivals/Celebrations

    Edge Day:

    It occurs on the last day of each month as it's the "edge" of the next month. They don't do anything fancy for it.

    Final Edge:

    Final Edge is the last Edge day of that year which is celebrated by making cookies for friends, family, and neighbours.



    The majority of Edgevillian settlements is made up of suburban-like layouts, which increase in population nearing the capital, The Hard Core. There are also many settlements and fishing towns at the coast, though they have been under threat due to the increasing climate change.


    Edgevillians have had little interest in expanding their territory, only doing so and retreating inland when sea levels began to rise. However, they have more of an interest in the ocean and what can be found there.


    Edgeville can be considered as a non-violent and mediating nation. They do what they can to prevent violent disputes and do not wish to be involved with the war.


    Edgevillians believe that slavery is a violation of individual rights and is banned.


    Edgevillians have had to flee some settlements due to the increasing rise in sea level.

    Natural Disasters

    Edgevillians live in an area of Nasgovia that used to have few natural disasters until the climate crisis grew worse.


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