New Year's resolution in Hiraeth | World Anvil

New Year's resolution


I think my resolution for my world for this year is... to finish the first draft of the story of at least the first arc of Jael and Deryn's journey. I know I have a lot more to go before I get there. But I think having WorldAnvil and Autocrit as resources is going to help a lot.

Expanding Horizons

So I read through a bunch of articles. Ten articles, really. I think it's interesting the wide variety of lore people can come up with. I think I need to expand my lore when it comes to smaller things and side details, illnesses and social rituals. It would help to make a more comprehensive setting. I think having a tool like WorldAnvil really helps with that, because it's so much easier to keep side details organized.

The ten articles I read (in no particular order) were:
  1. Thaldimine Poisoning in Valtena - This is such a comprehensive illness. I like how it seems like yeah there are ways to reduce the risks, not eliminate them, but the value of the substance outweighs the value of the miners lives in many ways.
  2. Magic Rot in Dark-Fall - I love the idea of the misuse of magic, and being able to damage yourself through using magic incorrectly and drawing too much from yourself. It makes me think of how you can damage yourself playing an instrument or a sport incorrectly, but with much more dire consequences.
  3. Winners of the Neighbourhood Wall Painting Competition in Imperial Soulmates - This is the ultimate form of those over the top neighborhood Christmas light competitions, I love it.
  4. Courtship Rituals in Imperial Soulmates- I don't know why but the tone in which this article is presented reminds me of the instructional propaganda stuff in Fallout 4. Just that super overly cheery 1950s energy. It's great.
  5. Norrith Sign Language in Etharai - Honestly it was really cool to read about a sign language. I've struggled to figure out how to break down and describe some of the sign languages in my world, so this was helpful to read.
  6. Dhalmanite Funerary Practices in Symbols of Power - The wide variety of funerary practices and ideals within one culture depending on their deity is fascinating.
  7. Corralum Scales in Ethnis - A fascinating take on body horror and disease. I love the firsthand account from someone witnessing the disease running its course.
  8. Spore Pustules in E L A Q I T A N - Mirror-touch synesthesia is a fascinating effect for a disease, especially one that's magical in nature. It really makes you think about some of the strange effects diseases can have when you factor in a magical component.
  9. Gift wrapping spell in Magic Earth - We always think of the magestic and big things when we think of magic. This article is a good reminder that people generally want to make their lives easier in any possible way, and so mundane spells should be pretty commonplace in a world where magic is commonplace.
  10. Burrowbugs in Wow that's a lot of stars
  11. - I really like the layout of this page and how they display the lifecycle of this species.


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Jan 27, 2024 15:43 by spleen

good luck on your story! thanks for mentioning my article :D
i hope you have a wonderful 2024

Have a wonderful day!
Jan 27, 2024 22:47 by Rin Garnett

Thanks for the feature! And best of luck getting a first draft done, the blank page can be awful to stare down

Jan 28, 2024 08:32

Thank you for your mentioning. I wish you all the best for the development of your story. Here’s to a great year!

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.