Primeval Vampyres Species in Helaeron | World Anvil

Primeval Vampyres

The Creation of The Strangers in exaggerated perversion of Bats and sapient beings alike. They were monstrous, winged, clawed beings. Highly intelligent, they developed their own language, and culture. Their primary food source, was the blood of living things. All of this and more, would they pass on to Men, via the mythical son of Animar The Honored. Who was ever afterward named Maarik the Bloodweaver. The First of all Vampyre Men.

Basic Information


The Primeval Vampyres were large, leathery skinned mammal like beasts with large membranous wings and clawed feet. Very much resembling a normal bat, but its features are far more bestial than the animal itself. As was the intent of The Strangers when they created them.

Genetics and Reproduction

Coital reproduction once every four years.

Growth Rate & Stages

Accelerating catalysts in their biology would expedite their growth to a matter of weeks when they first ingested blood.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Primeval Vampyres required fresh blood from living things daily. They hunted without hesitation and without descrimination.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Predominantly in forested and cold climate regions.

Average Intelligence

Supremely intelligent. As intelligent as an above average adult human.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Lethal sight at night.
  • Echolocation.
  • Double jointed limbs.
  • Incredible sense of smell.
  • hyper regenerative abilities.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Predigae Sanguar (Blood Monster)
Created by The Strangers
Immortal with the consistent consumption of blood.
Conservation Status
Hunted to extinction by the Sun Elves.
Average Height
25 to 35 feet
Average Weight
800 to 1000 pounds
Average Length
9 to 10 ft from head to rear.
Average Physique
844 pounds of muscle. 58 to 70 pound bones. 130oz of water weight.
Related Ethnicities


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