Classes in Heimaalin | World Anvil


Adventurers are extraordinary people, driven by a thirst for excitement into a life that others would never dare lead. They are heroes, compelled to explore the dark places of the world and take on the challenges that ordinary folk cannot possibly stand against.

Class is the primary definition of what your character can do. It’s more than a profession; it’s your character’s calling. Class shapes the way you think about and interact with the world, as well as your relationship with other people and powers in Heimaalin.


The Artificer

Starting GP: 100
Class Group: Expert

The Cleric

Starting GP: 75
Class Group: Priest

The Monk

Starting GP: 25
Class Group: Warrior

The Rogue

Starting GP: 125
Class Group: Expert

The Barbarian

Starting GP: 125
Class Group: Warrior

The Druid

Starting GP: 75
Class Group: Priest

The Paladin

Starting GP: 100
Class Group: Priest

The Sorcerer

Starting GP: 75
Class Group: Mage

The Wizard

Starting GP: 75
Class Group: Mage

The Bard

Starting GP: 75
Class Group: Expert

The Fighter

Starting GP: 125
Class Group: Warrior

The Ranger

Starting GP: 100
Class Group: Expert

The Warlock

Starting GP: 100
Class Group: Mage

Simple Classes


Looking for something more straightforward, or perhaps requiring less complexity? Consider a Simple Class!

Be warned though, the use of a Simple Class will result in a character that is significantly weaker than a character using a standard Class.


The Expert

Starting GP: 100
Class Group: Expert

The Spellcaster

Starting GP: 75
Class Group: Mage or Priest

The Warrior

Starting GP: 125
Class Group: Warrior

Articles under Classes