Jacksonville, Florida - Fiction from Adam Nathaniel Davis

Jacksonville, Florida

I love Jacksonville. It's just large enough enough to to meet all of our needs. And just small enough to remain docile and compliant.
Reginald Howell, founder and CEO of Hegemony International
acksonville, Florida, is one of many cities worldwide in which Hegemony International maintains a massive presence. It is home to (among others) the Global Initiatives division, which houses Standard Projects, Special Projects, and Very Special Projects.

Corporate Strategy
Given the gargantuan scope of Hegemony International, Jacksonville may seem to be an odd location in which to establish such a massive footprint. But this is in keeping with Hegemony's corporate strategy. While the company maintains a presence in almost all of the world's largest cities, such as New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Paris, Hong Kong, etc. (with the obvious exception of any Canadian cities), they prefer to establish major corporate centers in mid-size metropolitan areas with easy access to national and worldwide infrastructure (e.g., highways, airports, sea ports).

This is a conscious decision, originally implemented by Reginald Howell himself. When Hegemony looks to establish a new corporate presence, they seek out mid-size cities where they can effectively "take over" the local government. They ingratiate themselves with local leaders, establishing a foothold in all aspects of policymaking. This makes it far easier for them to effectively mold the city to their objectives. Once Hegemony establishes a beachhead in these middling communities, they then set about tilting all manner of public policy to benefit their own initiatives.

Cover image: Hegemony International - Jacksonville by Adam Nathaniel Davis


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