The Analyst - Fiction from Adam Nathaniel Davis

The Analyst

This situation would really benefit from The Analyst's input. But I have no idea how to actually reach The Analyst.
John McCrae, Marketing Director with Hegemony International
he Analyst is a near-mythical employee who works in the Jacksonville office of  Hegemony International. She's the only resident of the 42nd floor in Champion Tower. Although no one knows her exact age, nor her history within the company, she's typically acknowledged as one of the oldest, wisest, and most intelligent employees to ever work for Hegemony.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

he Analyst is rarely ever seen. For that matter, most people report never having interacted with her in any way. But for those who claim to have worked with her in person, accounts vary wildly as to her appearance and physical condition. But she's known to be Black and to always keep her hair in long dreadlocks.

Physical quirks

s the sole inhabitant of the 42nd floor in Champion Tower, she's an isolated and esoteric soul. She's usually found sitting, cross-legged, directly on the floor. Although she always has a laptop somewhere within reach, it never appears to get much use.

42nd Floor
Reaching The Analyst can be a maddening endeavor. Although all elevators have a button that would presumably deliver the rider to the 42nd floor, that button is typically inoperable. In the building's emergency staircases, there are no doors leading to the 42nd floor. The stairs simply continue from the 41st to the 43rd floors, with no access whatsoever at the place where the 42nd floor should be.

Special abilities

or those few who've been in her physical presence, there's an open question as to whether or not she's a shape-shifter (as fantastical as that may sound). It's not that anyone claims to have seen her transform right in front of them. But she's known to appear radically different to different people. She's even been reported to look entirely unfamiliar in successive meetings with the same person.

Eye of the Beholder
This seeming ability to alter her appearance has even led some to believe that she's a man. She will even refer to herself occasionally as a man, although "man" in such contexts usually refers to "human" or "mankind". However, she consistently uses traditionally-female pronouns.

Mental characteristics


othing is known of her employment outside of Hegemony International. Most assume that she's only ever worked for the company, but that's more conjecture than fact. Although her status as a long-term employee is indisputable, virtually no one seems to know exactly what she does for the company. And while she's generally understood to have no direct reports, no one's really sure exactly who she reports to - or whether she reports to anyone at all.

Intellectual Characteristics

he possesses a wealth of knowledge about people that can be wholly unsettling for those who are interacting with her. She's fond of throwing out odd bits of minutiae about someone's personal life - tidbits that can't presumably be gleaned through any access to corporate records.
I thought I was being introduced to The Analyst for the first time. But she seemed to have known me for my entire life.
Smolina Vasilievna, Ad Purchaser with Hegemony International
She's also known to revert to future tense, even when discussing mundane happenings. This has led some to see her as a psychic, although her musings are based more upon wisdom and intuition, rather than any supernatural ability to see the future.

Morality & Philosophy

espite her entrenched status as a revered (and in some cases... feared) employee, she's perfectly aware of Hegemony's many shortcomings and dubious corporate culture. While she won't actively work against the corporation, she understands the frustrations of those who are caught up in its machinations. She views Hegemony - and to some extent, all corporations - as neither "good" nor "bad". In her worldview, Hegemony just... is.

Personality Characteristics


he sees herself as something of a "guide" - both in the spiritual/metaphysical sense, but also in more practical terms for those who experience frustrations in the company. She's been a mentor for some who are lucky enough to gain an audience with her. Some even see her as a type of motherly, HR-type of sherpa - although it should be noted that she has nothing in common with Hegemony's legion of android-based HERs and does not spew advice that is geared only to the betterment of the company.



onverations with The Analyst often play out more as gentle interrogations. She prefers to lead her colleagues to the answer, rather than simply blurting out directives. Her tone is very comforting - so much so that many have reported being "at peace" merely from being in her presence.

Current Location
Year of Birth
2035 35 Years old
Long dreadlocks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Hegemony International - Jacksonville by Adam Nathaniel Davis


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