Jondo Smith - Fiction from Adam Nathaniel Davis

Jondo Smith

All things are possible through our founder, Reginald Howell, and through our company, Hegemony International.
Jondo Smith, M&M with Hegemony International
ondo Smith is the M&M over Dontae Shukara. Jondo reports to the Executive Director of Global Initiatives, ED.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

ondo has worked for Hegemony International since he turned 21.


ondo is heterosexual.  But like all of Hegemony's clones, he's generally viewed as repulsive by anyone outside the company, and he's universally seen as a "non-entity" to nearly all of the company's "normal" (meaning: not cloned) female employees.  Although he has some vague notion of one-day starting a family and "settling down", he's incapable of reproduction and he's found no romantic prospects.


ike the rest of his fellow M&Ms, he was educated exclusively within One World Academy, Hegemony's internal "university" system, solely for the purpose of molding him into an ideal middle manager for the company.


ondo works, and presumably will always work, for Hegemony International.  Given his total corporate indoctrination (and his general unsuitability for any work outside of Hegemony), he has no aspirations to ever work for any other employer.

Personality Characteristics


n infatuation with Hegemony's corporate objectives, drilled into him since birth, leads him to think, at all times, in terms of what is best for the corporation. As an M&M, he understands (and embraces) the ideathat Hegemony's goals are his goals. However, he often lacks the ability to help those underneath him to achieve those goals.

He's prone to micromanagement. He sees no problem in sitting directly beside someone - uncomfortably close - while they are trying to complete their work. He offers an endless stream of minute suggestions - many of them counterproductive to the end product. He obsesses about the tiniest of details - even to the extent that he completely loses sight of the "big picture".
I saw your proposed verbiage for the team bake sale announcement. It was a solid first draft. Why don't you block off this afternoon and I'll sit with you while we get it ready for official release?
Jondo Smith, M&M with Hegemony International
He is particularly bothered by the numerous interpersonal conflicts and rivalries that can arise, on a near daily basis, in any typical office environment. He correctly assesses that such conflicts can, at times, undermine the team's mission. But he's utterly incapable of offering solutions that work for "real" people. In fact, his preferred remedies too often make the situation worse.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

iven his propensity to read vast numbers of technical publications, and his impressive ability to retain huge chunks of what he's read, he's a surprising font of knowledge across many esoteric fields. While some may initially dismiss him as being "just a middle manager", only capable of answering Hegemony-specific inquiries, the truth is that he's more akin to a jack-of-all-trades. Some areas in which he's demonstrated shockingly-deep knowledge include: world history, engine repair, home construction, biochemistry, stock market analysis, and principles of computer programming.


here is nothing particularly "wrong" with Jondo's hygiene. Like all M&Ms, he showers every-other morning. He brushes his teeth every night, and after every meal. His nails are neatly trimmed and he never fails to wash his hands vigorously after every trip to the restroom. His apartment is spotless.

Dumpster Diver
But his lack of social awareness sometimes leads others to see him as "less than clean". He will wear a particular shirt on subsequent days until he perceives that it is dirty. His straight black hair, trimmed to a bowl cut and parted neatly down the middle, can sometimes appear "greasy". He's happy to eat others' abandoned leftovers. On numerous occasions, he's been observed (or... caught) fishing items - items that he views as still being perfectly good - from the trash. Even when he's not retrieving items for his own use, his passion for recycling sometimes inspires him to sift through refuse containers.


Contacts & Relations

ondo has few personal relationships of any kind. While some M&Ms maintain friendships - and occasionally, even romances - with other M&Ms, he has found this aspect of life to be especially lacking. But it's important to note that he doesn't internally manifest this perceived void as "loneliness". In fact, he is quite content in keeping his own company. Nevertheless, to many outside observers, he can give off an impression as something of a "sad case".

Family Ties

s a clone, he has no "family" in the traditional sense. M&Ms often refer to Hong Young-Min as "father", but they don't perceive him as such in a literal sense. Additionally, while they are all, genetically speaking, similar to siblings, they do not feel a familial bond with each other.
Like all other M&Ms, he is also incapable of biologically fathering children. While this has become a source of sadness for some M&Ms, it seems of little consequence to Jondo.

Social Aptitude

ne of Jondo's defining characteristics is his near-complete inability to pick up on social cues. While this presents to most outsiders as a sign of autism, neither he nor any other M&Ms would earn such a diagnosis on a purely clinical basis. Rather, his social awkwardness is spawned through environmental factors - mainly, the isolated way in which he was raised and his lack of regular contact with the "outside world".
Today I had to break the news to the team that my cancer has relapsed. But most couldn't hear a word I was saying over Jondo's constant laughter.
Reese Ryan, Project Administrator with Hegemony International
Doesn't Get It
He rarely understands humor. He knows what humor is and knows that it's vital to any "normal" human interactions. But this does little to help him get the gist of a joke. This leads to painfully awkward moments when he's the only one in the room who isn't laughing. In odd moments of over-compensation, he sometimes laughs well before a punchline is delivered. Worse yet, he occasionally has the urge to laugh during the most somber of moments - a situation that only serves to further isolate him from his coworkers.
Humor is far from his only social shortcoming. Whenever others are experiencing intense emotions of nearly any kind, he struggles to find an appropriate response. This often leads to him providing absolutely no response whatsoever, which can be even more unsettling than if he'd displayed an inappropriate reaction.


is default expression is to smile - a countenance that was drilled into him at One World Academy. This causes many problems when he's smiling while others are feeling decidedly unhappy. Even the very nature of his smile can be unsettling. It's static and unyielding, causing some to confuse him for an android.
He's also prone to extended periods of vacant, near-catatonic staring. He views this as an appropriate "neutral" state, with little regard for the objects - or the people - who sometimes find themselves on the receiving end of those stares.

Hobbies & Pets

e's an inveterate reader. He wishes he could enjoy works of fiction, but the myriad social references embedded in the stories leave him baffled. Therefore, most of his reading is confined to ponderous tomes on science, technology, and history. This only exacerbates his entrenched reputation as a hardcore nerd.
Who'd ya get to feed Rover while you were on your business trip? Jondo... you DID get someone to feed Rover while you were gone, RIGHT??
Blaine Foley, Project Administrator with Hegemony International
Although M&Ms are allowed to have pets, he's abandoned the endeavor. At different times he's had two cats and a dog. But all of them eventually died due to circumstances tied to negligence. It's not that he didn't care for the animals. It's just that, eventually, nearly any type of pet requires some kind of special care - and he's painfully unaware when those situations present themselves. At this point, he's resigned himself to the idea that pets simply are not a good fit for him.


ondo is a steadfast adherent to the many lexical quirks of accuspeak. While most people only care about its usage in official corporate communications, he sees it as the "proper" way to communicate - regardless of the topic of social setting. Furthermore, he's quick to correct anyone in his vicinity using terms that are frowned upon in accuspeak. This only tends to further alienate him from his coworkers.

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Middle Manager (M&M)
Year of Birth
2045 25 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Pale blue
Straight, black, cut to the uniform length of 15 cm and parted straight down the middle
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
1.7 m
72 kg
Aligned Organization

Articles under Jondo Smith

Cover image: Hegemony International - Jacksonville by Adam Nathaniel Davis


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