Treaty of Nobles Document in Hastened Delight | World Anvil

Treaty of Nobles

The Treaty of Nobles was an agreement made between the Crown and the old nobility of the Kingdom of Tightland in 1 BE, with the intention of reducing the wealth and power of the nobles.


The first steps to founding the Tightish Empire were underway, and in this new order there was no room for nobility brought through wealth.
It was the intention of King Edward to come to terms with the old nobility and make sure it was eradicated upon the founding of the empire.
To convince the nobles he put in front of them the natural path of progression that would take place should they remain in their current situation.
A recounting by Lord Hournerton puts it as such:

I was but a young lad learning the ways of the world, and it was in these early years that I was called by my father and told to get on my best dress, we would be leaving after luncheon.
This surprised me, for I was not aware of any special occasion having been planned, so I inquired who we were seeing.
As it turned out, we were going to see the King, which made me extremely excited.
I adored the King, he was such a character of charisma and cleverness, and was yet still young enough to have been my elder brother.

Having arrived at what was then known as the Palace Halls we dismounted and were lead to the board hall, where all the important descisions of battle used to take place.
On the great table was a map of the lands as they had now grown, with the estates of all the nobles, who had also just arrived, marked and framed.
Our servants left the hall, and the Royal Guard entered.
The tension in the room immediately spiked, for we suddenly knew this to be a very dangerous and serious matter.
"Welcome, gentlemen and sons! Please, take a seat."
He gestured towards the table and their chairs, which had removable plaques of silver on the backs of them dictating where to sit.
"Gentlemen, as you are aware the wars have ended fairly recently and a new era is about to dawn on our lands.
This new time will be a time of peace, as the Circle of Oads prophesies, and there will be justice among all people.
It is apparent that this justice also spreads to the common folk, and they will desire vengeance for your deeds.
My intention is to let them have it." he said before there was an uproar.
One of the lords jumped from his chair, dagger in hand, only to be cut down by a nearby guard's longsword.
There was silence.

Continuing with a pale face but retaining control of his voice the King continued:
"Gentlemen, let us not soil the floor with our blood!
I have an alternative to offer wich you may not like, but am certain will benefit you."
There was sceptical glances in the crowd, the dead noble all but forgotten in their cruel minds.
"You will give up the land you own, and upon your timely deaths your sons will keep the house and its contents, but no more.
They will have to live as others, getting by through holding a profession, selling their property in times of need, and they will be successful in life only if they do as is right.
They will be punished for their trespasses, but will receive protection should there be trespass against them.
Instead of their heritage, their actions will define them, and I am certain your sons will make you proud in that regard.
Until life's end, you will live in comfort at the price of losing your nobility and your land, so long as you treat the common folk with respect and honour."
One of the nobles spit onto the floor with disgust, for they could not bear the thought of leaving their cruel ways behind.
"If you do not comply, you will be exiled and will no longer have the protection of the Crown.
You may hide in your castles, you may band an army of misfits, but you will live the rest of your lives in fear of the world outside, and one day you will falter.
You have two days to convene, and there will be no further negotiations.
I bid you good day."

Treaty, Diplomatic
Vellum / Skin

Cover image: by A Lambent Eye


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