Chandra Geographic Location in Hacienda Isle | World Anvil
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Written by MacT09

Tranquil beauty, graceful love. Gentle winds, calming storms above. A warm embrace, and a gentle kiss. Stray too far from her, and she will be missed. One in four, half of one, essential part that adds so much fun. A loving doe, a graceful deer. Go to her traveler, and allow her to alleviate all your fears. Loving mother, wisdom and guidance flow from you, guiding me in all my ways. Embracing both lover and child, as you sit by the mountain’s base, pleading for them to stay. May your beauty last forever as the moon follows the sun. Graceful twilight veils you, keeping you from being undone. A mother's burden, a wife's concern, the family that strays from the mountain and starts to burn. Learn from him who nurtures all mothers and wives alike. Stay close, beautiful ones, less evil find you and pierce you with its corroded spike.   One of the four great forests of Hacienda, Chandra stands in its perfect beauty as it shelters all who venture here. A living symbol of motherhood, wives, and fertility Chandra is the most comforting land to dwell in, granting peace to creatures that live here and in other parts of the Isles. The auras of mother, grandmother, and aunt are only some of the energies that can be experienced here. Chandra is without a doubt majestic in its beauty, yet one must not forget the burdens that can ensnare even the most selfless giver. Motherhood can be a difficult task, with personal sacrifice being a must if the family is to survive and ultimately thrive. Great joy and sorrow can be felt as children embark on the great odyssey known as life. Among the plethora of emotions that can be felt here, one of the most common feelings felt is worry. On the one hand loving concern can build the family unit to new heights of peace and unity. On the other hand when that same concern is separated from love, worry soon begins its destructive work. Founded within fear, worry wears down the family unit, damaging relationships with children and husband alike. Perhaps worst of all, the mother and wife themselves can become wracks of living despair as the pressures of life close in around them. The outer limits of Chandra illustrate this tragedy perfectly, with depression and sorrow perpetually tearing away at the forest's edge until ultimately the land itself is forever separated from the love it once expressed and experienced. Such are the beauties and horrors of Chandra. Take comfort and caution in the comfort of this land dear traveler. Learn from her, as The Great Pelican illuminates the way.


The majestic forests of Chandra is home to a wide variety of foliage and wildlife. Birch, maple and many other types of trees grow in great abundance here. The landscape itself curves and flows around those who dwell here, leaving a sense of peace and balance in their hearts. Lush fruits and other products are readily available for anyone to taste and enjoy. Gentle streams flow from Mount Shaddai's side, granting nourishment to the beautiful creatures that call Chandra home. Beautiful lakes also dot the landscape of Chandra, which in turn serve as sanctuaries to a wide array of aquatic life. Several monuments can be found in Chandra, with each monument depicting a blessing and hardship of the wife and mother.   The Great Pelican that sits atop Mount Shaddai extends its left-wing out towards Chandra, gleaming its gentle moonlight across the curved forest of mother and wife. Streaks of cyan, indigo, and magenta grace the already elegant trees and foliage that veil Chandra. Throughout this tranquil landscape symbols of its darker visage can be spotted and avoided if proper guidance spots them in time. Oleander and hemlock starts to grow at the bases of the trees in Chandra as one ventures further from the mountain. Towards the edges of this great forest, most plant life begins to show signs of rot, emitting a foul odor that repels even the hardiest of explorers. Darkness is always trying to creep through the gentle moonlight that envelopes Chandra, seeking to cut off the land from the mountain that nourishes it. Though the darkness tries, The Great Pelican keeps the darkness at bay with its ever-vigilant gaze and zeal protecting the forest itself.   The fiery canyons that carve their way threw Chandra should be treated with extreme caution, as the twisted denizen that call these canyons home call out with ravenous intent. A seductive song emanates from the base of the canyon, seducing any who are weak in heart to an untimely fate.

Fauna & Flora

A grand variety of plant and tree life exists in Chandra, giving those who dwell here an abundant source of products as well as providing food for the remaining forests of Hacienda. Though families can come together for a wide array of reasons, one of the most common and intimate reasons for families coming together is meal time. A meal that is prepared, shared, and enjoyed is one of the greatest ways to bring others together to connect physically and emotionally. As the body is nourished and strengthened, so too are the bonds of friendship and kinship nurtured and grown at the many tables of the families that dwell in Hacienda. The great variety in fauna and food also lends well to having a variety of ways to go about this seemingly humble gathering. Without this produce and nourishment, a crucial link in the family unit is severed, often leading to unforeseen consequences in the future. Families that dwell on the outer fringes of Hacienda often neglect the important ritual of dining and fellowship, leading to weakened relationships and divided homes.

Natural Resources

Chandra is home to many beneficial herbs and remedies that are not nearly as common in other forests of Hacienda. The nurturing energies of Chandra can heal any who venture here, for these same energies find their source at Mount Haciendas base. Life can be full of scrapes and bruises, both external and internal. Sometimes the only medicine needed is a band-aid and a warm hug, while other injuries can sometimes require great personal sacrifice in order to heal the deepest wounds of a loved one's soul. Be warned travelers of Hacienda, for even the most beautiful remedies in excess can ironically worsen wounds that are already present as well as creating new ones in the process.
Alternative Name(s)
The Luna Weald
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