Meresin Alderleaf Character in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Meresin Alderleaf

Meresin Alderleaf

Meresin Alderleaf is a half-elf man who is married to Qelline Alderleaf and is the father of Carp Alderleaf. He is currently missing and has been since 1488.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Meresin appears to look identical to Berrian Venhorn.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

At a young age, Meresin and the Alderleaf Family moved to Phandalin and built Alderleaf Farm. He married Qelline Alderleaf, and they had one child, Carp Alderleaf.

Meresin rarely leaves Phandalin, but in 1488, while traveling from Phandalin to Neverwinter, Meresin disappeared.

Gender Identity



Before his disappearance in 1488, Meresin managed Alderleaf Farm alongside Qelline Alderleaf.


Family Ties

Aligned Organization

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