Lechauri Pergos Character in Glass Immortals | World Anvil

Lechauri Pergos

Lechauri Pergos is a secretary for the Magna guild-family. Part of his clerical work includes overseeing the paperwork from the Ivory Forest Glassworks. He got the job because his wife is a Magna.   STORY   Lechauri Pergos used to be childhood friends with Demir Grappo. They wrote a play when they were thirteen, visiting whorehouses on Glory Street trying to find actresses to perform it.   When Demir wants to learn more about the Ivory Forest Glassworks in his search for Thessa Foleer, he extorts Lechauri by calling his debts in. At first, Lechauri refuses, knowing Supi Magna would kill him and hide his body if he were to betray the Magna. Harlen then threatens Lechauri if he does not comply, and Demir promises to pay off some of the debt and get Lechauri an extension on his debt in exchange for the information. Lechauri reluctantly agrees, taking Demir's money. The next day, he delivers sheafs of Magna spy-master notes to the Hyacinth Hotel.