Sae'adar Settlement in Getninia | World Anvil


The Free City of Sae'dar is medium-sized city on the Dotharan coast, primarily populated by 2nd-generation Dotharan half-elves, and the leader of the Known World for it's lumber industry, which exports coveted tropical timber to points across the Tealastrian and beyond.


  • Council Hall.
  • The Docks
  • The Sawmills

Boroughs of Sae'adar

Sae'dar is home to 8 boroughs.


The Free City is governed by a 16-member Je'thor Council, with two councillors elected by all Dotharan citizens residing within the city's 8 boroughs. Residency of 25 years is required in order to be eligible. This onerous requirement results in members of shorter-lived races, such as humans and dragonborn, being left out of the process with few residing in the city long enough to meet the threshold. Council Members themselves must be upstanding citizens and capable of financing their own campaigns, though formally anyone eligible to vote may run. Terms are for 10 years, although each borough representative is staggered from the other so that elections occur every 5 years, with no limits on terms. The Council makes the laws for the city, and appoints administrators for outposts and municipal agencies. In the event the Je'thor Council is deadlocked, the Dotharan Alliance's Sae'daran representative may break ties.

Industry & Trade

Due to the city's immediate proximity to the Dotharan Rainforest, Sae'dar has become the Dotharan Alliance's main supplier of timber for it's shipbuilding efforts, which grew exponentially as the Alliance became wealthier and wealthier through its dominance of southern Tealastrian trade, which became secure after the ascension of friendly leadership in Qua'adar. Sae'adar is now the leading supplier of timber in the Known World, with Sae'daran lumber & Dotharan trading companies ships docking in ports as far east as Guandao and Sereda, as far north as Jörgmark, and even to the Emirate of Western Hegla in the Soutthern Reaches of Felora.
Founding Date
225 PE (Present Era)
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization

Cover image: Elven City by Simone D'Eliso