
Humans are a sentient species native to the Galisean continent of Getninia. They are among the most widespread, and populous species in Getninia with millions of humans living throughout the world. Humans have formed a number of major civilizations largely in southern Galisea, and have attained a relatively high level of development in the more concentrated societies found there. Levels of development gradually dissipate in less dense human civilizations though the overwhelming majority of humans have at least adopted animal husbandry, or agriculture, as well as having functioning, and often hierarchical societies.   Humans can be found filling any number of social niches and professions with human rulers, craftspeople, farmers, hunters, soldiers, priests, and any of a number of other types of social roles being filled by humans either in their own societies, or as strangers in strange lands. The are known, at least among longer lived races, as being driven and ambitious, and as a result many turn to a life of adventure to seek out fame and fortune. Due to the generally social nature others turn to adventuring to protect loved ones, or to bring prestige to their social group.

Basic Information


Humans possess the same basic body type as most other sentient species in Getninia possessing an upright body posture, two legs, two arms, and one head. Humans have hands with tactile fingers and opposable thumbs, traits not shared with their feet. They have two ears, a nose, and two eyes on their face. Humans are covered in body hair over most of their body, though there is substantial variation on length, density, and thickness of this body hair.

Biological Traits

Humans are one of the shortest lived sentient species in Getninia. Humans are theoretically capable of living up to one hundred or so years of age naturally though an exceptional few, usually extremely highly ranking members of certain religious, monastic, druidic, and arcane orders living significantly longer as a result of supernatual powers. Most however, don't live nearly as long with the average person living between forty five and seventy five years of age depending primarily on professional, social class and access to medical treatment and healing magic.    Humans possess a relatively tall and thin build compared to many other sentient species on the planet, with an average height of one and a half, and two meters, and an average weight of fifty to ninety kilograms. They generally stand taller than Dwarves, Halflings, and Gnomes, though they are usually shorter in comparison to Goliaths, Orcs, and especially giants. Similarly, Humans are generally more lean in physique compared Dwarves and Orcs, but are stockier than Elves especially, and gnomes and halflings to a lesser extent.   Humans possess a wide range of variations often depending on ethnicity with skin tones ranging from a nearly ebony color to extremely pale, nearly white skin tones, hair ranging from light blond, to red, to brown, and black, with varying greyscale colors as people age, as well as having many different textures, and eyes that can be brown, blue, green, and grey with nearly infinite combinations of those colors found in humans. More subtle variations in facial features, general body type, and other similar features also exist, often on ethnic lines.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Humans form complex social systems with most living within functional and often hierarchical societies. Generally collective care for children and elders, and social cooperation between people are constant and can be expected at least to some extent in every human social system. Regional variations exist, often in what hierarchies, if any, exist, in division of collective labor, and in gender norms. Collective rituals are also quite diverse.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans are spread widely throughout Galisea, Leandris, and Felora. The bulk of the human population however, resides in Southern Galisea, with Aeilla, Gallaca, and Qua'adar representing the bulk of the human population, with a secondary, smaller major population center in Guandao, and tertiary centers in northwest Galisea, and in Inner Felora.

Average Intelligence

Humans are a sentient, and are capable of forming complex social structures, and large civilizations, and have done so several times in the past. Humans are known to be an inquisitive peoples even as their intelligence is not particularly lauded by the Getninian world. As a general rule humans are capable of great intelligence, though they are not noteworthy in that regard.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans possess five basic senses sight, hearing, taste, tactile, and smell. Humans rely primarily on their sight to perceive the world with the other senses used noticeably less, though hearing, and smell can also be used to percieve at a distance. Human sight is quite strong in daylight, though humans lack a particularly strong sense of sight at night.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Human civilization is generally clustered in Southern Galisea with the most powerful and influential human civilizations being located in Aeilla, Guandao, and Qua'adar, with Gallaca being formerly quite powerful but having gone into a state of steady decline over the past three centuries. Civilizations in northern Galisea are less developed though the human Kingdom of Merida has been on the ascent largely profiting off of the decline of Gallaca, and the expansion of trade to the northern lands of Jorgmark and Erigan.    The largest single organized religion among humanity is the Pandroi church which exists primarily in southwest Galisea, and in Merida. This faith, being relatively decentralized and syncretistic has rapidly expanded its influence throughout Galisea, and there are even missionaries active in Leandris, though Feloran religions have largely staved off Pandroi influence. The worship of Eshe is popular among humans in Namirea and to a lesser extent Elleryca, though it is not widespread. In Guandao, the people have adopted the religious traditions of the Hobgoblins that occupied the lands before them, though their interpretations are softer than those of the hobgoblins. More disorganized religious groups can be found among the Jorgan and Eriganese peoples who have largely kept intact their own religious traditions.   Human militant orders are widespread, particularly in both more developed, but also more wartorn regions of human settlement. Mercenary companies such as the Ravens, the Black Band, and the Free Company of Taragon being noteworthy in the more strife riddled lands of Galisea. Knightly Orders are less common, and often tied to organized religions with the Knights of the Argent Raven being a prominent example.

Average Technological Level

Humans have a reputation for being innovators, frequently importing technological advances and improving upon them, as well as taking pieces of technology and using them in ways that their original creators hadn't thought of. As a result they frequently attain a relatively high level of technological development though they are outclassed in certain technological fields by Elves and Dwarves.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Human civilization is host to a number of major languages. Aeillan and Guandesa are the most common languages, with each being backed by large civilizations, Hadar is similarly significant with Gallacan, Meridan, Jorgan, Elleryc, and Eriganese languages being more regionalized. Most humans involved in long distance commerce or mercenary work are also fluent in the Getninian Common pidgin.
Genetic Descendants
~45-75 years, rarely up to ~100 years
Average Height
~1.5-2 m
Average Weight
50-90 kg
Geographic Distribution

DnD (5e) Traits:

Link to D&D Beyond
  • Medium Size
  • Base walking speed of 30 feet
  • Proficiency in any two languages of your choice
  • +1 to any two different ability scores
  • Proficiency in any two skills, you may instead choose one skill and one tool or simple weapon.
  • Gain one feat of your choice, you may instead increase any one ability score by 2, or any two ability scores by 1, if you do, you may not increase any ability score past 20

Human Racial Feats