Leandris (/li:ændrɪs/)

Map of Leandris (Geographical) by Trekman10
  The smallest of the continents, Leandris is situated between the continents of Galisea and Felora and between the Yulan Ocean and Tealestrian Sea. The primary indigenous population of the continent are the Tabaxi who have lived as the primary inhabitants of the primary island of the continent for at least a thousand years, and perhaps longer. Other indigenous communities exist of Tortles, who have spread throughout the smaller islands of Leandris. Leandris also has the largest concentration of settler communities in the known world with as much as a third of its population consisting of settlers from Galisea and Felora. The largest of these communities belong to Aeillan settlers charted by the Leandris Company and other large corporations. Other major settler populations include other humans from southern Galisea, goblinoid peoples that fled from the fall of Fuíguo as well as Feloran orcs, and smaller, but growing communities of elves and half-elves. This great diversity and rapid change has placed Leadnris at the forefront of colonial ambitions, and its valuable strategic location means that it is fought over by many factions both large and small, including natives seeking to push out foreign influences, foreign governments seeking security of their lanes of commerce, and corporate and piratical entities seeking to profit from the continent.     The continent of Leandris consists entirely scattered about the Tealestrian Sea, with relatively few relevant geographic regions. Most relevant authorities, divide the continent of Leandris as follows:     Northern Leandris: The humid, rocky northern tip of Leandris is a formerly relatively sparsely populated part of the continet, with little native settlement in large part to the fierce storms and relative lack of tree cover, something favored by the indigenous tabaxi. The region has become more heavily settled as part of the Aeillan colonial project however as a good number of Leandris Company plantations, mines, and ports were established along the northern coast, often importing slave labor from Galisea or capturing native tabaxi to work in the harsh conditions of the sugar and kanau plantations.
Central Leandris: Consisting of the mountains, jungles, and river valley at the heart of the continents main island, Central Leandris is the most biodiverse part of the continent, with vast differences in climate on account of the varied terrain and elevation, though tropical rain forces, and tropical cloud forests are by far the most common biomes in the area. This part is the most densely populated by indigenous peoples with several tribal groups as well as settled "civilized" tabaxi communities who form large towns and cities that make up the most influential native societies in the continent, though concessions to the Republic of Artenos, and to the Leandris Company have been carved from these communities.
Southern Leandris: A hotly contested area, Southern Leandris is also the most arid locale on the main island, as oceanic currents and wind patterns leave a major rain shadow running along the southern coast, and deep into the mountains, leaving the territory consisting of increasingly less humid, thinning forests, eventually running into scrubland and for a narrow sliver close to the mountains, desert. Southern Leandris is home to various small and militant tabaxi communities that routinely raid settler populations in order to prevent the exact exploitation seen by their northern and central brethren.
The Riptide Islands: A pair of small, barren islands to the north of the Leandran Arc, seperated by a channel with incredibly dangerous tides that have been known to sink even the vessels of experienced captains. The Riptide Islands have long gone unpopulated due to the hostile terrain. It was eventually settled by Galisean merchants who established the town of Valecina. Valecina has since been seized by pirates, and has become one of the largest piratical communities in the known world.
Bermar: One of the smaller outlying islands that is nonetheless comparatively densely settled, Bermar is home to a healthy community of Tortles who have established a number of modest fishing and market towns throughout the coast of the island. The island is also populated by lizardfolk and kobolds who arrived at unrecorded point in the past who have largely integrated into the dominant tortle communities. The island is split into four different tortle groups each of which control a certain part of the island, who have united in times into a defensive compact to protect the island community against the intrusions of the Leandris Company and the larger pirate fleets.
The Squawk: The northermost island of the Telestrae Arc, the Squawk earned its name due to the large community of escaped kenku that call the island home, and the "squawking" as it was called by foreign sailors who provided its name. The squawk is a relatively peaceful community as the local kenku have become exceedingly adept at hiding when raiders come to their island.
Kanau Island: The second island of the Telestrae Arc, Kanau Island is believed home of the Kanau fruit, and indeed it grows in vast quantities here. The area is known to have a heavy presence of the Black Fleet who harvests enormous quantities of the plant for some unknown reason.
Louai Island: Sparsely populated, and densely forested, the third island of the Telestrae Arc is shrouded in mystery and myth. Legends tell of spirits that haunt the island and slaughter interlopers, and the island is well known to be quite loud at night, being heard from a great distance away. The legends and general creepy atmosphere of the island have left it largely untouched for most of recorded history.
Huntress Island: The southernmost island of the Telestrae Arc, pirate fortresses, and other assorted hives of scum and villainy. The Talons are known to operate out of this island extensively, and many of the Northwestern Orcish tribe's ships have been seen patrolling these waters. Conflict between these two organizations is relatively common, but there is enough plunder to made to keep the groups from being at each other's for
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species
Related Myths

Cover image: Tropical island coastline scenic image by Hillebrand Steve, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service