Council of The Divine Lumis Organization in Genivan | World Anvil

Council of The Divine Lumis

"May dawn forever light our way out of darkness" - Anziras, Sage, Order of Mavlov - 526AC

The reason for the establishment of this council is best explained by the legendary Sage Anziras in 526AC:  
“The Taloreans have a balance in their councils and monarchy, though this balance is a façade as the wealthy, elite and royalty make up the councils that advise their dual monarchy and do not represent the common people.   The Eons have no council to advise a ruler as they have no leadership, just scattered factions within an obtuse people; their primitive ways not representative of a powerful tribe of people as Azurians must be.   All know where the Gideans true authority and power lies, their monarch just a puppet but the oceans of Genivan are not a place to take lightly, so maybe the Gideans have the correct path of power in a singular council for their people.   Sordeans are drowning in their own fears and superstitions, their triple monarchy becomes subordinate to a singular throne based on a lore the Azurians have never confirmed historically. Their hierarchy is as broken as their dour people.   The land of ash and lava houses the most rigid people in all of Genivan; Zarythians. Their hierarchy has no room for the people to be represented.   Azurians must not follow the broken systems of the other tribes and must strike a balance as realistically as possible if we are to survive and prosper in our beautiful land.” Anziras, Sage, Order of Mavlov - 526AC

Shades of Fallon Rebellion

  The legendary Sage Anziras was known as one of the most powerful summoners of the Order of Mavlov in centuries, his quote was recorded just decades after the Shades of Fallon Rebellion (aka Shades of Fall Rebellion) in 500AC, Prime Fallon was another powerful summoner though not as skilled as Sage Anziras but both believed it was their divine duty to establish a council to represent all elemental summoners in the land of Torentia.   The Throne of The Stormtide had been heavily influenced by nobility in their capital, City of Four Seasons, for centuries prior and so heavily that Sage Anziras and Prime Fallon had few problems gaining the support of summoners through out the land, from Zokron to Choridge and Shukelis to Evannar, the rebellion spread across the whole of Torentia. Finally the monarch, King Rhoqirax on the Throne of The Stormtide acquiesced by the spring of the following year and the rebellion slowly relented.   The Council of The Divine Lumis was established, though its troubles were only beginning. In its infancy, Primes and Sages in 501AC made many mistakes that would later come to haunt them. Their influence became radical, using their new powers in the council to subdue and prevent influence from the nobility and wealthy families to the King. This led to another rebellion five years later.  

Rebellion of Ember Fire

  Initially the Council of Divine Lumis was comprised of Primes and a few Sages, there was little precedent in this time as to who would sit on the council, all of this leading to a massive rebellion by the commoners (not of the magical Orders) which was led and influenced by the nobility and wealthy Azurians known as the Rebellion of Ember Fire.   The name Ember Fire was to mock the snobbish summoners in the Orders.   In 506AC The Summer Council was established, another mocking title as summer precedes fall (mocking their rebellion five years prior). This council also had few precedents or rules.   After 80 years of a tug of war between the two councils, King Petaz in 586AC suspended both councils until they wrote up documents of precedents and formal declarations of intent. King Petaz warned both councils, they must also formally write pledges of loyalty to the Throne of The Stormtide because as he argued:  
“This throne is not mine but the peoples, it represents all Azurians no matter their desire to pursue elemental summoning or their ability restricts them. It matters not their wealth or nobility, you will swear to this throne and it will be forever binding” Petaz, King, Throne of The Stormtide - 586AC
  Both councils desired to see their future come to fruition for the land of Torentia, though radically different steps to reach the end goal of prosperity, safety and surety they in truth, wanted to see Azurians take the power and prestige they deserved for the whole of Genivan to see. Finally, setting aside their pride, both councils wrote up the documents and pledges of loyalty that took ten years; neither side willing to relinquish and cave first.   As Master Sage Kheshann wrote centuries later:  
“Our pride blinded us, our desire made us into radical fools. Thank Ruinia, King Petaz saw how vital both councils were and forced them to think. It took a decade but in that decade many Sages came to realize the wisdom to set a formal precedent, this was no child’s play; threats centuries ago remain today and we must be as unified as we can be.” Kheshann, Master Sage, Order of Tempris – 1734AC
  In 596AC both councils were re-established.
Divine Lumis Council Emblem

Est. 501AC

  Progenitors: Sage Anziras & Prime Fallon


  Council of The Divine Lumis has incredible power in the land of Torentia, all across every city and town; they house the most superior summoners in all the land and represent the Orders. Almost half of Azurian society belongs to an Order, their influence is undeniable.                            
The Council of The Divine Lumis established rules for members of the council, they must have five seats for the five Master Sages whom are the heads of their Orders, five seats for Omni Guardian (internal rebellion happened until the Guardians were admitted to the council rightfully taking their place). The additional seats varied whom sat in them as only Sages were allowed but since so few Sages existed in the Orders, any Sage may sit in as a temporary replacement but the main five seats were for the preferiti Sages; those favorited for Master Sage when the current Order Head either dies or retires.

This council is only in the capital City of Four Seasons, smaller councils that echo the idea established in 596AC are throughout Torentia with the same echo of The Summer Council to combat the summoners influence but all councils are subordinate to the Throne of The Stormtide.


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