Wolfswood Forest Geographic Location in Geldora | World Anvil

Wolfswood Forest

Wolfswood forest lies at the eastern coastline of the Kingdom of Mera, home to many reclusive communities and the Elven city of Lithduril. Although it has a grim reputation amongst humans, Wolfswood actually appears to be a pleasant and verdant woodland. Birds sing from oak trees, while rabbits run through the undergrowth. However, upon closer inspection, these creatures seem to possess a sentience above that of a mere animal. Inside the forest, the sun is blocked by the lush canopy, providing for a dark atmosphere. Any traveler granted safe passage by the inhabitants of Wolfswood may hear crashing and thrashing sounds from deep within the forest. They may see arm-like branches beckon to them, or hear phantom calls. Any traveler not granted safe passage, on the other hand, will never be seen again.


This eastern forest is predominantly coniferous and mixed temperate. The Wolfswood is less heavily saturated with magic than Florindel, therefore its spirits are fewer in number, and they’re often weak or hungry. Although Elf-Human relations are generally good, the Wolfswood heartland is sacred to the Elves of Lithduril. Humans trespass in the Wolfswood at their own peril.
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