Cragspire Mountains Geographic Location in Geldora | World Anvil

Cragspire Mountains

The Cragspire Mountains are the longest range of mountains in the mortal world, and one of the highest. Stretching from the northern Dire Wood Forest in the Empire of Seggath and extending to the Whispwood Forest in the southern Kingdom of Mera. they form the very spine of the continent of Midvar. The range is over one thousand miles long and almost five hundred miles wide at its widest point.   This Range is home to the mountain dwarves, who live in subterranean cities deep below the earth, and have a lucrative trade relationship with the folk on the surface. If the sheer cliffs and frigid heights aren’t enough to discourage exploration, the endless supply of bloodthirsty monsters mean that most folk daring enough to venture into the mountains disappear and are never heard from again. To make matters worse, these malevolent creatures seize any opportunity to come down from their mountain homes to raid and terrorize the good folk of Midvar.


If the sheer cliffs and frigid heights aren’t enough to discourage exploration, the endless supply of bloodthirsty monsters mean that most folk daring enough to venture into the mountains disappear and are never heard from again. To make matters worse, these malevolent creatures seize any opportunity to come down from their mountain homes to raid and terrorize the good folk of Midvar.   The Cragspire Mountains are considered the largest mountain range in the Known World. The mountains reach from the most northern parts of the Empire of Seggath, to as far south as the forests and Savanna of the southlands in the Kingdom of Mera. It is said that the Dwarven tunnels may reach through the entirety of the whole mountain range, from the most southern hold of Kazak Depths, to the lost northern hold of Karak Durnmal. The first Dwarf settlements were established in the south, but as they followed the veins of minerals they began to make their way northwards, establishing Dwarf Holds in the mountains of the range.

Fauna & Flora

The mountains are rich in plant life, bordering the Dire Wood, Misty, and Whispwood forests. Deciduous and coniferous trees alike are found up to its tree line, and foraging plants such as wildberries can be found throughout. Spanning the far reaches of Midvar, the mountains have a diverse ecology relative to any given location. This is particularly realized in the diversity of giantkin that have been spotted through the mountains. Game animals are commonplace while giant eagles have been seen to the south and frost worms to the north.
Mountain Range
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