Himmelheim Settlement in Gears of Chronan | World Anvil


Himmelheim is the secret base of Sky Pirates hidden deep within The Skyward Peaks in northeastern Chronan. It is said to be protected from the eyes of the Air Brigade and the Dragon Lords by fierce blizzards and illusions. What powers these spells is still a mystery.   After the Great War Between Chaos and Order, several traumatized airship crews separated from the military, led by a rebellious drow pilot Zelbess Udrum'mut. She brought her followers to her ancestral the Skyward Peaks and founded Himmelheim as a safehaven for all sky pirates. As airships became more widely available, more and more crews joined the loose coalition of raiders focused on making a fortune with smuggling and illicit Glimspar trade, and gained passage to Himmelheim.
Outpost / Base


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