STATIC 17: Lair of the Lizardfolk Report in Gavros | World Anvil
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STATIC 17: Lair of the Lizardfolk

General Summary

Wherein the Blinkertons learn more mysteries and secrets of the deep wood  

The Wizard in the Wood

Our heroes' continued journey through Dhib’ma’qulm to the territory of the lizardfolk was both strange and bloody. Soon after the depature of Froggi, the alchemical skunk, The Interdimensional Blinkerton Detective Agency encountered a problem--three archers, dressed in a mercenary uniform that screamed "DEATH FOR GOLD," were using one of their erstwhile colleagues as target practice. Surely, these arrow-slingers would not be adverse to also considering our gumshoes suitable target practice. It was therefore decided to just sneak right on past them, which was a very successful undertaking.   Not all battles can be avoided, however, as our adventurers discovered when encountering a gnome seemingly at odds with her own reflection. She bade Tridge help her trick her reflection so that she could get something that it "stole." Always down for strange experiences, Tridge readily agreed. This gambit was successful, and enabled Vigilant Swanbreaker of The Panoptic Legion to regain her amulet. It, however, also lead to two allips leaping out of the pool. Battle commenced and was bloody, but our explorers emerged victorious. Swanbreaker was grateful for the aid and, as a fellow Displaced person from their actual plane of existence, agreed to accompany the Blinkies for a time.   Their journey led them to the home of Four Egg--father of Froggi and maker of golem sentries--who, upon hearing our heroes invoke the name of his skunk son--received them graciously. It turned out that the gold earring'd one that they sought--Elaugzar Wyrdloom--was also a guest of Four Egg for a time. During his visit, he apparently worked very hard on creating a device to manipulate the Displacement. It is unclear how successful he was, but Hypatia took the preliminary blueprints of Auggie's device, just in case.   During chese and wine, Swanbreaker found herself Displaced somewhere else after grabbing a random object in Four Egg's home. In her stead came the arrival of a Dread Excavator designed to destroy Four Egg. Combat was once again joined, with the excavator doing some pretty serious damage to Four Egg (including blowing his left arm clean off). Four Egg seemed mostly inconvenienced by this and commenced growing a next arm after the battle was done. It seems that this forest wizard may be impervious to violent death. Strange, but handy!   Much as they would like to stay a while with our wizard friend, the Blinkertons had a mission to complete. So it was farewell to Four Egg and back to the woods.  

The Land of Lizardfolk

Finally, after fighting some befouled water weirds, our adventurers crossed into the territory of the lizardfolk and spotted their settlement in the distance. Rather than trying to sneak closer, our heroes decided to just walk up and state their business.   They did so, requesting an audience with the lizardfolk queen on behalf of the ratfolk. This immediately caused confusion among the lizardfolk sentries, who asked the Blinkertons to wait while they figured out what to do.   Eventually, they were granted access by a well-dressed lizard named Teskyr, who serves as an advisor to the queen. They were granted brief audience with the queen and, after stating their intentions and connection with the ratfolk, were told to wait for a summons tomorrow. They were then show some modest quarters designed for traveling merchants and were free to attend to their own interests before tomorrow's meeting.   Most sampled the fare of Hubb, the resident chef. This "stew" caused Tridge's hair to grow 12 inches, Hypatia's speed to increase for a tenday, and Fritz to gain the ability to understand Gaint for a tenday. A strange stew indeed!   During the evening our heroes were visited by Teskyr, this time in an unofficial capacity. It seems the advisor shares Kragstil's appetite for peace, but fears, due to power instability, his queen will order the Blinkertons' execution. There might be a way out of this, though--the Blinkertons should offer to eliminate the queen's rival lizardfolk faction known as the Zosfari.   Teskyr then explained that the lizardfolk were Displaced here, and, rather than accept this fate and try to make a new home, the Zosfari began worshipping a demi-god called Zosfar, the Godess of Misfortune. They believe that if they offer their goddess enough blood and souls, then she will rectify whatever misfortune caused them to be Displaced and take them back to their "true" home. Needless to say, this violence was not shared by all lizardfolk and a schism in the community occurred. The Zosfari left the settlement for a cave system, and a lack of clarity about power dynamics in the territory has plauged the community ever since.   Teskry is certain the queen would be more amenable to their suggestions for peace should they come steeped in the blood of her lizardfolk enemies. Further, peace can really only be achieved if these Zosfari are dealt with. So, to save their lives--and perhaps return home--the Blinkertons should convincely offer to eliminate the Zosfari during their audience tomorrow. Seeing the logic of this, our heroes agreed. And then it was time for bed.   The Blinkertons dreamed. Here is some of what they dreamt:    
  • Fritz Himmelswander dreamed of his sister Corinna Himmelswander locked in headed combat with Tyrant. This battle seemed sure to take all of their lives.
  • Hypatia dreamed of Edill's library roaring with fire, quickly turning each tome of knowledge to ash.
  • Tridge found herself torn apart by all the voices that cried out in pain, that cried out for her assistance.
  • Nero dreamed of the automaton he knows as Ringer. In their rematch, Ringer is impossibly larger, impossibly strong and flicks Nero away like an annoying fly.
The morning then, and though unsettled by their dreams, the Blinkertons made ready to meet with the queen. Their lives--and their dreams--hung in the balance.  

And That's Where We Left It

We'll see how successful the audience between the Blinkertons and the lizardfolk queen is during our next session.  

Varied & Sundry Details

  • During wine-time with the wizard, Fritz' singing stein belted out a mournful ballad about family dynamics. It brought a tear to Four Egg's eye.
  • On the way to the lizardfolk's lands, the Blinkies encountered a eladrin that appeared quite confused, probably do to some sort of spell. Unfortunately, they were unable to render assistance. Hopefully he gets his mind back somehow.
  • Hypatia doesn't have a reflection. She didn't before, but she definitely doesn't now.
  • While awaiting entry to the lizarfolk's settlement, Fritz aided a halfling with a pony problem by providing a mushroom designed to "clear blockages." In gratitude, she gave him a healing mushroom.
  • Tridge found out some information about the more violent lizardfolk faction through engaging in a "salt ritual" with a merchant named Mule. Apparently licking each others' palms is a way to gain trust.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Vigilant Swanbreaker--member of The Panoptic Legion, fellow Displaced individual
  • Four Egg--forest wizard, possibly immortal
  • Teskyr--well-dressed advisor to the queen of lizardfolk
  • Hubb--purveyour of Hubb's Stew, "chef"
  • Queen Slugort--queen of lizardfolk, enjoys an egg sandwich
Report Date
26 Feb 2023
Primary Location


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