The Chye Organization in Gattak | World Anvil
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The Chye


A four part leadership system of equal authority:
  • The Zhia - the High Priestess, spiritual leader of the Chye and Keeper of the Pyka Fuzha.
  • The Quye - the Sacrist, leader of spiritual practices and curator of all sacred objects and spaces.
  • The Chihiza - the Administrator, manager of all things mundane and practical within the monastery
  • The Covent of Sua - the Council of the Sun, a 9 member council made up of members from all aspects of monastery life that acts as the decision making and disciplinary body of the Chye.
Under this quadrilateral leadership, all other ordained members are of equal standing within the community. They are the Nyky, (called the Ta by unordained members). At the time of ordination, Nyky choose to be in one of six Orders:  
  • Issye - the ecologists and wayfarers
  • Guia - the teachers and caregivers
  • Quicha - the archivists and historians
  • Chosun - administrative, helping with money, food, trade, etc.
  • Gapyk - hospitality, cooking, healing, clothing, etc.
  • Simyta - organization, cleaning and maintaining order of all spaces and activities
Along with the work of their Order, each Nyky is regularly assigned time as a Guardian of Che Pyka Fuzha.


Those preparing for ordination are the Mika, usually between the ages of 14-20, having gone through initiation at the onset of puberty and then undergone 6 years of intense training that focuses on three things: spiritual depth, bodily control, and an intrinsic understanding of compassionate justice. The Mika are ordained in a ceremony called the Chy Bik in which they are made full members of the Chye.   Those who are novices to the community are the Ata, usually between the ages of 6-14, and are kept in this initial learning phase until the onset of puberty. The focus of what they are taught is one thing: the basics of what they will need to become a Chye: reading, writing, history, religion, ecology, geology, arithmetic, and how life works within the monastery. The Ata are initiated in a ceremony called the Cha Kyea in which they are formally accepted as a trainee within the community.

Public Agenda

When Ayuna gave of Itself to create the world, the Chye were given the responsibility to nurture and protect all of Creation, and through that work maintain the equilibrium of Life. The Chye must nurture the life force of Nature (both physically and spiritually) which in turn keeps them and all the world alive in a continuous cycle of reciprocity in which all of Creation thrives.

Foreign Relations

The only way for anyone to exit or enter Pyktahua is through the portals. These doorways were built by the Muka as the Foaba was happening. How they work, how they were constructed, and how to replicate them has all been forgotten.  
  • Iome Usu - the inner door, located in Pyktahua on a small island in the middle of Sen Simske
  • Taota Usu - the outer door, located at the base of Auk Mittak
  The Nyky are welcome to go out into the outside villages and purchase goods, enjoy entertainment, or find lovers from among the people there, as long as they never reveal who they are or what they do. Most Nyky do not leave Pyktahua very often. The exception, of course, are the Issye, who spend most of their lives on the outside.   The Chye are removed from the drama of everyday life, uncaring for the rise and fall of empires and civilizations around them, avoidant of the distractions of world politics, global economics, and international relations. Of course, they have their own political mundanities, the trivial grievances and allegiances that make up any human society, but under it all lies the covenant of their vows, the importance of their sacred imperative - together we will do what is needed to keep all of creation alive and thriving.

Nourish and Protect, Together

Religious, Coven
Alternative Names
The Guardians
Legislative Body
The Covent of Sua   1/4 of the leadership of the Chye - they are the decision making body of the organization, consisting of 9 members.   Stationary Members - these positions are filled through a hybrid form of divination and election
  • the Zhia
  • the Quye
  • the Chihiza
Rotating Members - one member from each of the six Orders (these positions are staggered terms and are elected by their peers)  
Judicial Body
The Covent of Sua
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Permeated Organizations
Controlled Territories
Che Pyka Fuzha
Geographic Location | Sep 7, 2020
The Monastery
Building / Landmark | Sep 18, 2020

Cover image: by MysticArtDesign - pixabay


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