Kúlúrates Character in Gætíus' World | World Anvil
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Kúlúrates (dalríska)
Kúlúrates (rexíska)

Kúlúrates is the current emperor of Dalra in eastern Emlas, son of the previous emperor Jarjóxes and Óhavalra.
Like his father, he's spent considerable time, resources and energy trying to expand the empire into Imkala to the west, and thus potentially gain more arable land and other resources to support Dalra's already growing population, though with mixed results as the natives have proven more than capable of holding off the Dalran Military.
Currently, Kúlúrates is planning to construct a navy along the shores of Galafam Sea to invade Imkala via its great rivers.


Family Ties

He's married to Þvelarra, a dalro-þekkal noblewoman from Kilí. Their oldest child, Pasatreka, has shown great interest in military affairs; she's the one who suggested Kúlúrates should fight the imkalans with a navy rather than continue facing them on land.

Religious Views

Kúlúrates primarily worships Aka Ortí and other deities belonging to Dalran Polytheism, along with vanran and þekkal ones. Like many dalrans, he believes rainbows to be good omens.

Hobbies & Pets

Like all dalran nobles, he was taught how to shoot with a sling and ride a horse, and is quite good at both. Kúlúrates also plays a pan-flute, originally to perform during certain rituals but now also enjoys improvising new song in his spare time, sometimes together with Pasatreka playing a harp.
Kúlúrates by Lappalingur
Currently Held Titles
Current Residence
Dark blue.
Known Languages
Kúlúrates is a native dalran speaker, speaks fluent vanran and þekkalic, and can hold a conversation in húlpakric. He also knows some imkalan tongue due to his involvement in the Dalro-Imkalan War.


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