Mandorian Ethnicity in Gandrain | World Anvil
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The people of the Mandorian Empire are a great many kinds but their shared culture has to do with the large landmass that is their home where other civilizations are all sea based Mandor is a collage of different people in a sea based and segregated world.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Maria, Bellona, Mora

Masculine names

Amor, Janus, Hugin

Unisex names

Norie, Morie

Family names

Old Houses: Mandor, Arsen, Wolkvi, Philo, Cordel, Zebran, Enaber, Iasol, Kubcec, Ocaua, Bevae, Tettete, Simorac, Lielan, Youcov, Golmog, Incamta New Houses: Hilcare, Septineeni, Rodam, Sondon, Servavi, Toriden, Tori, Spy, Oberie, Mordan, Heldia, Orphani, etc.


Common Dress code

All must wear the brooch visible on their spalls so their house may be seen.

Historical figures

Maira Mora Morta founder of Mandor


Beauty Ideals

Mandorians love colorful thing but it has to be more than one color. They also think highly complicated things are prettier than the simple.
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