Session 14 Report Report in Gamma World | World Anvil

Session 14 Report

General Summary

Ashes of Intelligence
Report 14
Related Dates: 152 through 157 of 4,543,626,881
Origin: KC33345L
Destination: IV22357Z
  Report begins...
  This is the fourteenth report on the activities of Subjects 4777, 4778, 4779, 4780, 4781, and 4782, along with their relationship to, and interactions with Subject 1. Data for this and all other reports on these subjects have been gathered through mostly secondary and tertiary sources, with only occasional data from the primary sources themselves. As such, these data may be subject to the degradation effects of copying from one source to the next. For full reliability percentages, see the attached charts.  
Day 152 of 4,543,626,881 (1 Jun of 98 AF in Local Notation)
As reported previously, around dawn this day, the subjects entered a junkyard in northeastern Zal to investigate a secret laboratory found within. Creatures the lab had been experimenting on had escaped, and the subjects were under instructions from Subject 23 (designated "Nina Amul" and referred to as such henceforth in this report) to clear out any creatures remaining within.   Gunshots were heard shortly after the subjects entered and then again a few minutes later. After that, there was silence until the subjects emerged a couple hours later. Unfortunately, due to a total collapse of the lab's computer system, there are no security recordings of what the subjects encountered or did within the lab. We have only what they reported to Nina Amul afterwards.   Within, they encountered a black harvester and an ark, but primarily met resistance in the form of the lab's security drones (more aquafarm security drones). They spent the remainder of the time investigating the lab's contents and accessing the computer systems. They informed Nina Amul that they had learned that the computer system (which controlled the locks on the cages containing the creatures being experimented on) had shut down for unknown reasons and at least one computerized piece of equipment had exploded. They provided Nina with a list of all employees on duty at the time. Most of them were accounted for in the dead bodies found both outside the lab and within, but seven names remained unaccounted for. While these seven might have been devoured by the released creatures, it is possible some had escaped. Nina stated that she would start an investigation to determine the fate of those seven people.   They also reported that they had learnt that the laboratory was called "Biolab 5" and was a subsidiary of Mansen Corporation, run by Subject 5 (designated "Derk Mansen"), both details Nina claimed to already know. This would confirm suspicions that Mansen Corporation and the Amul Family have some sort of agreement or relationship.   Although they did not report it directly, the subjects also appear to have taken several things from the lab, including computer parts and even an entire computer terminal (this is clear from their later actions, see below). It is unlikely Nina Amul did not suspect the subjects of taking things, though she gave no indication that she cared.   After reporting to Nina, the subjects returned to their inn to catch up on the sleep they lost while in Biolab 5. Subject 4780 (designated "Ackers"), who does not require sleep, purchased more weapons in this time.   In the afternoon, the subjects went to the Firebrand Chemicals warehouse to pick up the antidote they had ordered from Subject 422 (designated "Arnol Federman" and referred to as such henceforth in this report), which was due to be ready on this day. They spent some time speaking with Federman before making their goodbyes, saying that they would be leaving Zal in the morning. They then sent word to Nina Amul to inform her of this as well.  
Day 153 of 4,543,626,881 (2 Jun of 98 AF in Local Notation)
The subjects departed Zal in the morning, drove the whole day, and reached the Coop in the evening. They immediately handed over the antidote to Subject 4112 (designated "Fazul Pareen" and referred to as such henceforth in this report). Fazul informed them that they had timed things well, in that Subject 4784 (designated "Jenny) had left just that morning in the company of Subjects 4773 and 4785 (designated "Onnya Sokolo" and "Jamal Aram" repectively). See Report 1 on these subjects for more information.  
Day 154 of 4,543,626,881 (3 Jun of 98 AF in Local Notation)
Subject 4782 (designated "Dwin" and referred to as such henceforth in this report) began repairing a computer terminal taken from Biolab 5 this day, using part salvaged from other terminals from Biolab 5. This activity would take her several days to complete.  
Day 156 of 4,543,626,881 (5 Jun of 98 AF in Local Notation)
Although only tangentially related to the subjects' activities, it seems prudent (given her relationship to Subject 4777 (designated "Dante")) to report that the Coop's Chief Fleecing Officer, designated "Naja Sereen" resigned her position on this day, after selling many of her shares to the Executive Council member designated "Zak Manir". She cited her reasons as having achieved what she originally set out to do in the position, and that she never really wanted the position to begin with. This is a highly significant event for the Coop, as normally such positions are for life, and the Coop does not even have provisions in its charter for resignations (though such provisions are currently being drafted).   Given the event's significance and its close proximity to the situation with former council member designated "Darmand Evrayl" (someone whose expulsion from the council was also unprecedented), many rumours suggesting that the reasons given for Naja's resignation are not entirely true have been circulating about the Coop. See Report 736 of the Taebur series for more information.  
Day 157 of 4,543,626,881 (6 Jun of 98 AF in Local Notation)
The Coop arrived outside Grafton today, where the subjects proceeded to buy power cells, a charger, and radios. They then connected the photovoltaic cells of the charger to the roof of their SUV.   Later in the afternoon, Dwin completed repairs on the computer terminal, and was able to bring up more complete files from Biolab 5. Of note, the subjects learned the locations of Biolabs 1 (in the City of Cartoons) and 2 (in Rabbit), as well as the existence of Biolabs 3, 4, and 6 (though not their locations). They decided that they needed to investiage the other Biolabs and would start with Biolab 2 in Rabbit.   I have informed sources in Rabbit to be on the lookout for the subjects' arrival (which will likely not be for a few days however, given the sensitive information they could potentially uncover there, I recommended activating an agent in Rabbit to monitor the situation more directly.  
End report.
Report 15 to follow.

Rewards Granted

2 wealth taken from bodies in Biolab 5
2 wealth taken from the Biolab 5 payroll
4 wealth from the filamentrons in Biolab 5 (1 for each filamentron)  
XP this Session
XP Total
Level 4 gained!

Character(s) interacted with

Fazul Pareen
Concept art for cancelled game Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Patriots by Unknown
Ashes of Intelligence
Dante Whitbinder
James Warde
Rolanda Toledo
Dwin Mahad
Report Date
27 Jun 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: Trash Planet by nkabuto