The Tradeways Geographic Location in Galfin | World Anvil

The Tradeways

The river coming from the south that goes passed Black Barrow and the Iredale Riverfort. This river eventually connects to Mercator's Schism.   The Tradeways is a wide and winding river that flows through the heart of the southern Plains. Its origins lie far to the south, emptying out into the Rathnar's Venture Strait. The river passes through a number of settlements and towns along its way, including Black Barrow and the Iredale Riverfort, which have become important trading centers due to their location along the river.   The waters of the Tradeways are clear and quick, and teeming with fish of all kinds. The surrounding landscape is rugged and untamed, with dense forests, craggy hills, and rocky outcroppings lining the river's banks. In some places, the river widens into broad, placid pools, while in others it rushes and churns through narrow gorges and rapids.   Travel along the Tradeways can be both dangerous and rewarding. Merchants and traders navigate the river's twists and turns with the help of skilled pilots, who know the river's every bend and shoal. Pirates and bandits are known to prey on unwary travelers, however, and the river is also home to a number of dangerous creatures, including giant river serpents and other waterborne beasts.   The Tradeways remain an important artery of trade and commerce in the north, connecting the region's remote settlements to the wider world beyond.
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