Kerno Settlement in Galfin | World Anvil


Kerno, the charismatic large town of the Rhyte province, stands proud in the scorching heat of the desert. The town is a testament to the resilience of the Caluan people, who have built their homes and businesses amidst the unforgiving environment. The air is thick with the scent of spices, thanks to the famous Magnate of Food, Carie Beibbo, whose culinary prowess draws in travelers from far and wide.   The town's unique feature is the nearby cactus forest, where towering cacti with a diameter of ten feet grow in abundance. The cacti provide much-needed shade and shelter to the inhabitants and the local wildlife. Kerno's sand ships are another attraction, powered by the wind and the skids beneath their hulls, these ships glide effortlessly over the dunes, transporting goods and people to far-off places.   Despite the harshness of the environment, Kerno is a lively place, with a bustling market, where traders from all over the Caluan Desert come to sell their wares. The locals are friendly and welcoming, happy to share their stories and traditions with visitors. And as the sun sets over the endless expanse of sand, the town comes alive with music and dance, a celebration of life in the midst of a challenging environment.       town west of Zarados in Rhyte    
  a cactus forest grows nearby with large, 10 foot diameter cacti   Population: Approximately 1100; mixed human and elf. Government: Kerno is ruled by a tyrant, the elf lord Gyliam. Notable Places: Aref's Arsenal: The workshop of a female human weaponsmith named Aref, who has been purchasing much more raw iron than usual. A few NPCs: Ilian: Female Human Craftsman, Evil. Ilian has a narrow face, with curly blonde hair and blue eyes. She wears sturdy clothing and several pouches hang from her belt. Ilian is vengeful but optimistic. Marellye: Female Elf Scofflaw, Neutral. Marellye has short grey hair and bright amber eyes, and prominent ears. She wears modest garments and a black cloak. Marellye is inventive and lustful.
Large town
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