Hightide Rock Building / Landmark in Galfin | World Anvil

Hightide Rock

only accessible at high tide, very defensible, scheduled trade caravans.   Hightide Rock is an imposing fortress, built into the side of a sheer cliff face that rises out of the ocean. The stronghold's walls are made of a dark grey stone, reinforced with metal struts and bars. A narrow, winding stairway leads up to the top of the cliff, which is only accessible on foot at low tide. The stairway is flanked by high walls and fortified towers, manned by guards in black and gold armor.   At the top of the cliff, a massive gatehouse stands guard over the entrance to the stronghold. The gatehouse is made of stone and iron, and is reinforced with heavy wooden beams. It is decorated with the black and gold emblem of the Typhon rulers. Beyond the gatehouse lies a large courtyard, filled with training grounds and barracks for the soldiers stationed at the fortress. The courtyard is dominated by a massive keep, made of the same dark grey stone as the walls. The keep is tall and narrow, with crenellated battlements and arrow slits. A tall banner flies from the top of the keep, displaying the same black and gold emblem as the gatehouse.   Inside the keep, the halls are lined with tapestries and decorated with suits of armor and weapons. The air is thick with the smell of incense and candle wax, and the sound of chanting can be heard echoing through the corridors. The lord of the island, Thormund of Typhon, resides in the keep's highest tower, which has a commanding view of the surrounding area. From this tower, the lord can see any approaching ships or armies, and can direct the fortress's defenses accordingly.
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