Eythemar Settlement in Galfin | World Anvil


Incantum small town   Eythemar is a small village nestled in the north of Kerri, surrounded by towering trees andthe Royal Trade Route. The village is known for its serene atmosphere and peaceful way of life, with many of the residents dedicating themselves to the study of magic and nature. The houses in Eythemar are made of wood and stone, built into the trees and blending seamlessly into the forest. The streets are lined with colorful flowers and babbling brooks, and the villagers take great care to preserve the natural beauty of their surroundings. The village is home to many druids, rangers, and other nature-based spellcasters, who work to protect and preserve the forest. The village has many small gardens and orchards, where the villagers grow their food and herbs. The village is also home to the Ash Watch, a group of diligent rangers who protect the village from dangers that may come from the Firefang Jags. They were formed after the Great Blaze. There is assumptions that the spark started from the Jags although others deny this.
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