Alkane Settlement in Galfin | World Anvil


magical trade town in Kerri.   Alkane is a settlement located in the Kerri province. It is known for being a city of sorcerers, where magic and the arcane are highly valued and widely practiced. Many of the residents are well-educated in the ways of magic and it is not uncommon to see individuals wielding spells and incantations. The city is also known for its well-to-do population, including royalty, nobles, and wealthy merchants. Despite the city's prosperity, there is also an air of mystery that surrounds it, making it a unique and intriguing place to visit. The city is a hub of magical activity, with numerous shops and laboratories dedicated to the study and creation of new spells and magical artifacts. Alkane is a city of contrasts, with a mixture of elegance and sophistication, as well as a hint of danger and unknown power.
Large town
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