Salhaan, the Master of Runes Character in Gailardia | World Anvil
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Salhaan, the Master of Runes

Silver Hand of Arcane Wisdom

Salhaan is known as the God of Astral Brilliance and serves as the seventh pillar of the Therion Pantheon.
He is considered the god of runes, diplomacy, and pride.   Ever the charming trickster, Salhaan's widely known for his devilish schemes all while his actions serve to benefit those around him. Commonly considered the ambassador of deities and mortals alike, his smooth voice has calmed the fury of entire realms, while his studies of the arcane gave birth to runes and more convenient methods of wielding magic. However, while his smile has fooled many, nothing he does is without reason, only ever seeking to further his own desires.


While certainly known to bear the form of a demonic being, Salhaan makes it a matter of pride to always appear elegant and presentable. While never raising himself to the status of true nobility, his attire remains fashionably practical and often makes him stand out in the crowd. He's known to limit his demonic features by taking on the form of a satyr, always maintaining a youthful and graceful appearance.   Known for his diplomatic ways, his depictions take on many different forms when he choose to walk among mortals. Similar to his more commonly known shape, he carries himself with grace and elegance but also the humility of a servant seeking only to aid others. However, it's said that his body is covered in various runic symbols, intricately woven into his flesh as a way to immortalize his accomplishments, much preferring to keep his body on full display when away from his duties.


Salhaan is incredibly charismatic, always weaving his way into the hearts and minds of others. Regardless of the people before him, he'll do his utmost to win them over with his silver tongue and dashing looks. Rarely seeking to stand against anyone else, Salhaan's always out to make friends rather than enemies, as he believes fighting to be a waste of time and energy when so much more could be accomplished by working together, a trait he firmly believes to raise him above even his fellow deities.   However, despite his eagerness to unite everyone, he only does so for his own ends. Avoiding harm by forging alliances is but one reason but by bringing others together, he'll often have them wrapped around his fingers. At his leisure, he can use them to serve his needs or shatter their bonds to watch the chaos unfold before him. This makes him quite a manipulative soul, either disguising himself to bring people together once more, or making himself seem unrelated to the fallout of a broken alliance.   While often thought to bring order to the arcane powers he studies, he's said to weave secrets and traps into his creations. Stories speak of mortal experiments or dumb happenstance in which his runic creations were arranged in a certain manner, unleashing wonders and terrors alike, leaving entire cities in shambles or nations fighting over this new discovery. No matter his creations, arcane or diplomatic alike, each and every one always carries a hint of unpredictable intention just waiting to for the right spark to ignite.


Salhaan's most powerful tools are his keen intellect and immense charisma. Through knowledge and diplomacy, he beckons all around him to his side of the board, manipulating them to do his bidding in service of his schemes. Such bonds are known to bring peace for a time but can easily be shattered at his leisure to spark the flames of war. He's thought to expand his knowledge of the planes on a regular basis, seeking to know about any new developments to further his goals.   Known to be a powerful master of the arcane, Salhaan's said to wield a vast arsenal of spells, many of which are engraved into the runes covering his body. Ever fond of using his creation against his enemies, his runes are often infused with traps and illusions to make it deceptively difficult to ever engage him properly in combat. Known to carry a spear with him during such times, he'll often use it simply to place new runes at a distance until his enemies give in or perish to his deceptions.


Those who turn to Salhaan for inspiration commonly belong in one of two distinct groups: Those who study the arcane and those who work towards diplomacy. The scholars who devote themselves to him are often those without an innate gift of magic, instead relying on thorough study of the many ways to wield magic. Meanwhile, ambassadors and diplomats are known to heed his call, learning how to weave words masterfully to persuade others towards their cause. But while some hold noble intentions, others are known to care only for what can be gained by working together.   Many are known to be wary of Salhaan's followers, fearing their allegiances to be false and awaiting an inevitable betrayal. But the benefits often outweigh the pitfalls, so long as one treads lightly and his followers achieve what they desire. Some even agree to such deals to gain an upper hand, knowing full well that his followers can be very arrogant and grow overconfident should they strike an easy bargain. Outside of securing favorable relations, they often do as they please and only follow direction and laws when there's no other option.  


  • Speak before you act. Through eloquence can we achieve great things and abstain from violence.
  • Discover new paths to power through innovation and study of the wonders of astral light.
  • Become your own master. Believe yourself true, speak your mind, and you shall be equal to all.

Notable Relations


  • Garon - Salhaan holds great respect for his master and teacher in the arcane arts, honoring his name by diligently working towards the advancement of magical practice.
  • Gerrod - Gerrod and Salhaan share a similar mind for innovation of magic, working together to improve access and use of the arcane arts to the children of the World Tree.
  • Sarym - With a heart for competition and rivalry in service of a brighter future, Salhaan considers Sarym an inspiration and close friend due to his voice amongst Divinity.


  • Harakhos - It is said that Harakhos' banishment to the dark abyss came only after Salhaan's attempts to sway his fury, for which he resents the dark gods' failure to heed his words.
  • Baharan - As a being who prefers peace over war, Salhaan cares little for Baharan's methodology of seeing the world grow stronger through force and might.
  • Lyriah - Lyriah and Salhaan are widely known to share an intense rivalry for the favor of their master, standing opposed in their methods to see the arcane arts improve.


God of Astral Brilliance  


Lord of Broken Bonds
Silver-Tongued Ambassador
Master of Runes  

Moral Compass

Whim & Goal  


Runic circle /w blue hand inside  


Praised be the master of runes  








The Wyrmroot Tower


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