Sarym, the Grand Challenger Character in Gailardia | World Anvil
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Sarym, the Grand Challenger

Slayer of the Monstrous Titans

Sarym is known as the God of Eternal Glory and holds the sixth seat of the Vaanir Pantheon.
He is considered the god of fishing, competition, and fame.   Some say that Sarym was once a mortal man, a simple fisherman haunted by the monsters of the sea. One by one would people abandon his humble village, until he set out to slay one of the savage beasts. But his ship would soon sink beyond the horizon, all but a single man leaving shortly after. Travelers would since visit the forgotten village, the now old man living peacefully with a full belly, happily sharing the tale of the monstrous bones that now rest upon the sandy shores.


Sarym is almost always described as a young and muscular man, his skin dark or bearing a deep tan with black hair but sometimes also blond. His clothes are often quite simple and made from common leathers, fur, and wool. He'll often wear wooden armor or the scales of leviathan beasts strapped on with cloth wrappings. These in turn are likely to bear the fangs of his prey, giving him a striking and intimidating appearance in the eyes of some.   Depending on where his tales are told, he can easily range from the mighty goliaths to the human or elven forms of mortals. Rarely is he ever depicted in some obscure form, always bearing a humanoid appearance albeit sometimes with the size of a giant. Many also depict him covered in blood from his many battles, staining the tattoos and markings that often cover parts of his body. Ever at his side is his large fishing hook, always stained by the blood of his first kill.


One of Sarym's most common traits is his boisterous presence. He's always described as the loudest person in any room, making his appearance known to all before him. Many claim that he takes great offense to those who pay him no attention, openly challenging these people to a variety of competitions. Others question such notions since stories speak of how he enjoys spending time on the material plane but rarely does anyone ever fit his description.   Most have come to accept that Sarym doesn't want to steal attention away from those he's chosen for his entertainment. One of his favorite past times is to light the spark of competition in others, even if only for the silliest of games. He loves to watch others duke it out, whether its hunting down the biggest fish, a simple match of arm-wrestling, or who can eat the most pies in a few minutes. Nothing pleases him more than a healthy competitive spirit, one of the only times he's said to adhere to rules.   Sarym enjoys watching mortals rise up and make a name for themselves, even if only in a local manner. He's not known to care much for noble heroes or dastardly villains, instead focusing on the more unlikely champions of festivals and tournaments. While he does like to honor the rules of a solid challenge, he's not known to honor the laws of others in general. His way is to reach the top and make a name for yourself in whatever way you see fit, often getting into trouble just to solve the conflict through a bet.


Sarym is widely considered an absolute beast when it comes to martial prowess. The bigger the foe, the harder he's said to fight. Armed with several spears and his mighty fishing hook, he eagerly charges into battle and revels in the carnage. Sometimes he enjoys battling his colossal foes as a mere man while other times he'll rise to great heights and grapple his enemies, causing the seas themselves to roar and tremble.   His dominion over aquatic life allows him to command many of the creatures within sea and rivers alike, sometimes blessing small fishing hamlets with bounties of fresh fish. He arcane prowess, while nothing compared to his physical strength, also grants him a mastery over water and transmutation, bolstering himself and allies alike with tremendous strength and agility. His spears are often coated in arcane might, some said to become bolts of lightning when thrown against his leviathan prey.


Even the more humble fishermen are known to pay homage to Sarym. Many small hamlets along the coast are known to favor his strength but so too can his presence be felt further inland. His name is often spoken loudly in any town housing an arena of sorts, while others sing songs in the local taverns to honor his might. Due to his favor towards glorious deeds of most kinds, he might even have followers in corners otherwise unusual for his domain. But his most devoted followers are often strong men of the sea, some choosing to brave the waves while others walk the path of a warrior.   Strength is almost a guaranteed trait of his followers. Many like to work themselves to the bone to grow stronger and enjoy a hearty feast and drink at the tavern to celebrate another glorious day. But not all strength must be purely physical. Some even choose cunning over might or strength of the mind to best their foes, for all displays of victory are favored by their god. His followers are often loud and openly take on any challenge before them. Most even appreciate losing as it only strengthens their resolve to improve themselves, their spirits rarely broken in the face of adversity.  


  • Never back down. Today's failure may lead to tomorrow's victory.
  • Stay true to your dream. Nothing can hold you back so long as you have faith.
  • Let none hold sway over you. Be your own master and inspire others to forge their own path.

Notable Relations


  • Lyon - Legend has it that Sarym once sought to wrangle Lyon from the seas as the ultimate test of might, both adamant to keep the outcome a secret to the world.
  • Nazaala - Nazaala and Sarym are nothing short of brothers, the two often competing with one another and sharing in hearty revelry to celebrate their friendship.
  • Saligia - Sarym openly challenges other deities to test him and his followers, having grown very fond of Saligia's eagerness to throw new obstacles his way.


  • Zell - A number of Divinity has no love for Sarym's incessant desire to test their patience, to the point where he jokingly calls Zell his nemesis.
  • Korelin - While most victims of Sarym's roaring challenges are mostly meant in jest, any and all directed towards Korelin are fueled by the utmost desire to stand victorious.
  • Lyriah - Lyriah has forever been known to strive towards ambition, a fact which Sarym has taken to heart and naming her his greatest rival for fame and glory.


God of Eternal Glory  


Leviathan's Bane
Warrior of the Trembling Waves
Lord of Challenge  

Moral Compass

Whim & Goal  


Ivory Fishing Hook  


Glory to your next challenge  








The Heart of the Sea


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