Zell, the Stormbringer Character in Gailardia | World Anvil
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Zell, the Stormbringer

Fury of Heaven's Judgment

Zell is known as the God of Thunderous Might and holds the second seat on the Aalynien Pantheon.
He is considered the god of storms, loyalty, and faith.   Said to be one of the most responsive of all the deities, Zell has become notorious as the god who will answer any challenge with a thunderous roar. Those who call his name are often cursed with a furious storm, his charge to test any and all who'd dare to speak the names of divinity. Many have come to fear his terrible powers while others challenge it openly, those who conquer his wrath proving themselves some of the bravest, or most foolish, souls.


Zell's true form is said to be that of a gargantuan elemental storm, a tempest of destructive fury that was tamed in ages past. None have ever laid eyes on this form, the closest comparison being his avatar fusing with his own storms. When truly angered, he will become one with the heavens, glaring down upon those who's to receive judgment with eyes of lightning, appearing as naught but a storm cloud in the blackened sky.   Due to his charge, he doesn't approve of mortals attempting to depict him or any other deity. However, a handful of his followers would eventually create a form out of respect and awe of his might that he did not strike down. In this form he appears as one of the genasi in shimmering armor and a crackling robe, his body radiating the raw power of the heavens. With all other depictions having been torn apart by his lightning, it's said that he's the only deity with but a single statue in his honor.


Zell is best known for his fury towards those who fail to show the proper respect to him and his fellow deities. Whenever someone speaks a divine name, his gaze is drawn towards them with his storms soon to follow. While some try to hide away in safety, Zell is a patient one and will await a time where these people are the most vulnerable, aiming to teach them exactly why divinity is to be both feared and respected.   Depending on the deity in question, Zell may strike down with less or greater fury, revealing some of his strongest bonds quite easily. At his best, he'll simply cause a common storm but at his worst, he has no qualms in laying waste to all in his wake. Zell rarely shows any mercy, even if innocent bystanders are harmed in the process, giving transgressors even more reason to reflect on their actions, the guilt and judgment of mortals bearing down on their souls as well.   However, he's not one to forget those who know well enough to pay their deepest respects. Should a devoted soul cry out for his aid, he's known to send his fury towards their enemies to halt their advance. Similarly, when his fury is silent, he'll grant his blessings in the form of heavy rain or snowstorms to such people as farmers suffering from a drought or children wishing to play, displaying some of his rare kindness to those who bear on disrespect in their hearts.


Zell commands the power to control the weather, but his most prominent display of such is by conjuring terrible storms to test those who would dare to question divinity. While particularly fond of thunderstorms, other examples include blizzards and sandstorms. He is often credited with the terrifying storms that often plague the oceans, some believing him intent on keeping people from discovering new lands. Others claim that this is merely to dissuade mortals from traveling the open waters due to others who'd inflict even greater fury than him.   His elemental form is said to grant him the ability to meld with the very air itself to fade away from mortal view. Using the elements at his disposal, he'll rain down thunderous fury on his enemies, whether through bolts conjured from his very being or by wielding powerful javelins said to shatter mountaintops. Zell is also said to be one of the fastest deities, even without using the power to teleport across realms in the blink of an eye.


Zell isn't known for having a lot of active followers, despite his seat of power amongst his fellow deities. Most people merely offer him their respect when necessary and otherwise avoid bringing him up to avoid his fury. Among them are sailors and fishermen, traveling merchants, and farmers, individuals who'd suffer the most from facing the raging storms. Those who actively follow him for his guidance and strength are commonly soldiers and guardsmen devoted to their service of another, as Zell's known famously for his undying loyalty towards Zynnah.   While rarely considered among his true followers, there are those who have a habit of challenging Zell openly. Most people despise these individuals as their incessant desire to defy him often leads to ruin, many having perished doing so. But a handful of souls have faced Zell's rage and lived to speak of it, having devoted themselves to his rule and choose to act as his emissaries. When people claim that Zell's lack of worshippers leaves him unable to strike down any and all who disrespect the gods, others claim that it's in fact these followers who enact his will in his stead.  


  • Respect power in all forms. Carelessness leads to suffering.
  • Let the fury of the storms guide and empower you.
  • Strike swift and true towards disservice and all who would stand against their masters.

Notable Relations


  • Lyon - Stories speak of Lyon gifting his powers to Zell as thanks for his devoted service, eternally loyal to whom he considers a supreme deity and benevolent master of Divinity.
  • Zynnah - None hold Zell's favor more than his beloved wife and few other deities can claim more faithful service than that which he maintains towards Zynnah as a guardian and enforcer of the skies.
  • Alarriel - As a likeminded soul in the ways of loyalty and devotion, Zell and Alarriel are considered comrades-in-arms of whom tales speak of their immense alacrity and swift victories.


  • Jayle - The greatest tear in the unity of the Aalynien pantheon is that between Zell and Jayle, the stormwoven master infuriated with what he would consider a devilish brat of shadow.
  • Ossara - Zell's loyalty towards Divine Law and his own masters results in a disdain towards the undead and Ossara, who stands as a mischievous mistress of most of such abominations.
  • Lyn - As a man with strong ties to women of desires and dreams alike, Zell holds no love for Lyn's wicked manipulations of passion and nightmares due to her selfish and cruel nature.


God of Thunderous Might  


Lord of the Primordial Storm
Roar of the Heavens
Guardian of Eternal Faith  

Moral Compass

Oath & Goal  


Three crossed bolts of lightning  


Praised be the thunderous roar  








The Throne of Thunder


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