Nezumi Species in Gaia | World Anvil

Nezumi (Neh-zoom-ee)

The Nezumi are a race of bipedal, rat-like humanoids. They are often chivalrous and born warriors, tackling problems head-on, unlike their Rathari cousins.   Among the beastmen races of Gaia, the Nezumi are portrayed as heroes fighting against darkness or for noble causes. Proficient in polearm weapons, they are known for their loyalty and dedication to causes they deem worthy for themselves and others. As spiritual as they are chivalrous, their stories include the 'Duel Nezumi Nations' of Pedrta and Auyri on the continent of Niith.   While most Nezumi prefer to stay within Niith, there are stories of some who venture beyond the confines of the continent and their sacred homes.

Basic Information


The anatomy of the Nezumi provides a distinctive perspective on the appearance of a bipedal rat person. Typically standing at around 6 feet tall, they boast a pair of robust, powerful digitigrade legs crucial for impressive feats of jumping. Additionally, Nezumi often sport a long, fur-covered tail that aids in counterbalancing their gait and stances.   While their tails aren't fully prehensile, Nezumi can wrap them around objects when necessary to stabilize themselves. In combat, their tail whips are formidable, capable of incapacitating even the most resilient of Humans   Their fur comes in shades ranging from white to tan, and they have black claws known for cutting through even the toughest materials. Nezumi keep their claws exposed and poised at all times for utilization.   With long and narrow snouts, their eyes, although not overly large, are adept at seeing well into the distance. Additionally, they have two long, thin ears capable of picking up sounds from all around. Despite their ancestry traceable to rat-like animals, the Nezumi possess omnivorous fangs, allowing for a diet that includes meat.

Ecology and Habitats

The Nezumi originally hail from highland regions characterized by snow most of the year or at least for a significant part of it. Adapted to the cold winds prevalent in the Fangs and mountains, their fur serves as an effective windbreaker. While some scholars propose an origin from underground habitats, this notion faces dispute, given the Nezumi's clear adaptation to above-ground life.   The Auyrian variant of the Nezumi shares similar characteristics, but with a notable adaptation to wetter and warmer climates. They possess an agility that allows them to climb trees and other structures with ease. This adaptability is reflected in the use of nature-centric elements in Auyri's architecture.  
"Even with thier similairties, the Auyrians and Pedtrans are also quite different. One is acclimated to the harsh winters and bitter cold of the Highlands, while the other can survive a monsoon with little worry. The Auyrians are often compared to the wood elves in their affinity towards nature and fauna. I suppose the term would be...Solarpunk." ~Scholar Jootun Serece, Guild of Lore

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Nezumi are renowned for their extraordinary sensory capabilities, from hearing noises from afar to discerning details in the distance, even in snow-covered and grassy areas. Originating from the snowy highlands of the Fangs of Aurich, they have evolved a keen sense of sight, allowing them to perceive detailed objects in darkness. This adaptation played a crucial role in thwarting the Alliance of Man's night raids, resulting in significant resistance each time such attempts were made.   The Alliance of Man also misconstrued the Nezumi's hearing abilities. An intriguing fact is that when it snows, the Nezumi's hearing is amplified, resembling a bat-like sensitivity. They can pick up sounds echoing off the ice crystals constituting snow, providing them a significant advantage in snowstorms and wintry conditions. When combined with their white fur, this heightened sense of hearing becomes a near-perfect tool for stealth.   The sensitivity of their feet contributes to feeling vibrations in the ground. Upon closer examination of the Nezumi, they were originally perceived as predators adept at ambushing. Coupled with their excellent swimming abilities, thanks to their fur, one can appreciate the fear these creatures must have instilled in others during their primal days.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

The Nezumi, when compared to Earth, often appear to be stuck in the early 1900s; however, their military modernization within Gaia has reached contemporary levels.   The city of Pedtra harnesses geothermal steam from the Fangs of Aurich to power its urban center and the various machines and infrastructure within. While a modern human might find Pedtra a bit rustic, it exudes a cozy charm. The city still relies on gas lanterns to illuminate its streets, and cable cars gracefully transport commuters up and down the side of the mountain where the city is ingeniously constructed.    
"Pedtra was built as a citadel; a fortress first and foremost, a city, second. It takes time to replace and modernize the small space within the impressive walls of the city." ~Galand Striver, Pedtran Denizen

The Conclave of Auyri

Auyri, the 'sister' city to Pedtra, sprawls across the grasslands and into the Forest of Tears, unlike the more confined space of the citadel city. The city boasts an impressive seaport catering to modern ocean-bound ships and fishing vessels. Auyri showcases technological advancement near the shoreline, akin to a contemporary downtown.   As one moves further from the shore, the city reverts to old and rustic ways. To preserve nature, the Forest of Tears, and the ghost of the great Elderwood with the same name, Auyri seems to step back in time. Candle-lit buildings, fire torch lamps, and mason-laid cobble streets create an atmosphere reminiscent of ancient or medieval Niith. This unique blend attracts high tourism rates within Gaia for those seeking a glimpse of what the past might have been.  

The Ghost of Auyri

  The Elder Trees, towering over even the redwoods of Kharis, reach a staggering height of about a mile. These trees are the sole remaining prehistoric lifeforms in terms of plant life on the planet. The Ghost of Auyri was once a proud tree standing sentinel over the city until the Alliance of Man torched it in a psychological warfare tactic. What remains is a massive stump that still towers over the city. When the sun is high, a beam of sunlight illuminates the remnants of the tree, creating a ghostly glow that earned it the name.   At its base lies the Ruin of the Temple of Gaia, preserved in its post-war state and still tended to by a Moon priest. This spot has become a pilgrimage site for druids and nature enthusiasts alike, paying respects to what could have been the wisest living thing on the continent.


The Nezumi, one of Niith's native and original species, originated around the Fangs of Aurich. Over time, they expanded southward into the lowlands and forests of Niith, with the most resilient individuals remaining in the mountainous regions. Initially, the Nezumi were a unified race until a faction opposing the martial and war-like culture chose to break away, establishing Auyri. In Auyri, they sought inner peace and spiritual aspirations, diverging from the path of their brethren in Pedtra.   The two groups found themselves in conflict due to their differing ways of life, leading to a war that erupted at one point but was later quelled a few years later. Auyrians exhibit a more welcoming and friendly attitude towards outsiders compared to the authoritarian practices of Pedtra.   Eventually, as Pedtra underwent a transformation, discarding its military dictatorship, relations between the two factions improved. This positive change was largely attributed to the efforts of an individual named Lavaasett Rastir.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Rodentia, Mammalia, humanoid, Rattus
Ratfolk, Rodent
Average Height
5-6 1/2 '
Average Weight
Related Ethnicities


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