Semite Yah'Awi Species in Fringe Earth | World Anvil

Semite Yah'Awi

Middle East has its fair share of species that lead humanity in its early days. Semitic peoples that were among the first to inhabit the region, had two of them: Yah'Awi and Seyt'Awi. Genetics-wise these are two races of the same species, as it was discovered recently, and there is evidence that they were quite close to each other at the dawn of time. The might look like creatures from the likes of the Bible, but calling them half-angels and half-demons is deemed wrong in the Fringe Society. They were the ones the terms "angels" and "demons" was adopted from, even if common faith made all these supernatural beings real later down the line.

Basic Information


The Yah'Awi are a tall species with skin tones ranging in different metallic colors - from Bronze to Silver. Their eyes are bright and glow white, there is little difference between the color of the iris and the whites of the eye. Overall they create the sense of a very wise and very "distant" creature, as if they always live in their thoughts.

Genetics and Reproduction

Like most Humanoid specied on Earth, the Yah'Awi share same reproduction cycle as Humans.

Growth Rate & Stages

Yah'Awi tend to live longer than humans: three times as much in the Ancient world, less so in the modern one. They reach the point of seniority roughly at the same age as Humans currently living in the developed countries, and stay in that state almost up until the end. That is why they were regarded as wise elders most of the time.

Ecology and Habitats

From the get go, Yah'Awi-preffered climate was tropical, and they preferred to live near sea. That wasn't always the case, since the species survives well in arid climate as well. They didn't want to leave their lands, though, being too used to it. This is why while many Jews have dispersed throughout the Roman Empire after Israel was subjugated, Yah'Awi refused to leave and stayed in the Middle East all the way through the modern era. Since not many of them were left alive after Roman expansion, they've tended to live in remote areas.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Social dynamics between humans and Yah'Awi was quite simple both in Phonecia and Judea. Most likely, it were these Inhumans who taught their more numerous neighbors writing, creating Cuneiform as means to keep track of their harvests. Yah'Awi tended to give, and not take much in return. Out of the most Inhumans that either used to exploit humanity for their belief (though they did it too, creating one of the most powerful deities in the process), or just to boost their own numbers when it comes to fighting, Yah'Awi definitely were the ones who lead humans. They were wise old men to their humans.

Average Intelligence

Yah'Awi are quite erudite in most matters they encounter in their lives, but the most characteristic feature of their mindset is the craving to organize everything. These Inhumans make the best bankers and accountants in the modern world, and they're quite great when it comes to investigations of any sort since they're able to see the bigger picture and all the details all at once just in their thoughts. Their minds minds are very ordered by default, way more than an untrained human mind can be.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Yah'Awi have an extra sense that is regarded abstract for humans. For them, the sense of order is the same as sight to us. They feel very uncomfortable in disorder, both societal or domestic, and have an urge to do at least something to fix it.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Yah'Awi tend to have names we're used to think of as Jewish. But they're mostly Orthodox or even Ancient Jewish, not those "localized" names and surnames many people of this ethnicity usually have wherever they live.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The main Yah'Awi languages in history were Hebrew and Arameic. Many of them used to speak Latin, Arabic and Turkish during the reigns of the empires that employed these languages.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Every Inhuman species has their specialization when it comes to shepherding humanity through history. In the case of Yah'Awi, it was faith. What wasn't known for the most of history but became painfully clear after The Enlightenment made the fact that divine beings are created by belief known to Humans, that Yah'Awi were, in fact, God-Builders. Unfortunately for them, their legacy and knowledge they held was all but lost to time, whilst Magic started reigning supreme with the advent of the Assyrian Empire.



    From many Fringe archaeological evidence, Jericho is considered to be distinctly Yah'Awi and Seyt'Awi city. Legend tells that at one point no human lived there until Semitic humans came and attacked it. At that time Yah'Awi and Seyt'Awi worshipped the Moon. Humans have managed to impress the citizens by showing their power of belief and managing to call for a divine intervention that destroyed Jericho's walls. The city was destroyed and cursed, Seyt'Awi avoided capture and the Yah'Awi fell into slavery. But soon they've proven their worth and wisdom, and earned the right to rule over humans.    

The Exodus

    Egyptian Serpentites at one point took many Yah'Awi and Semites as slaves during their conquests. At some point, their population increased and they rebelled. It might be also linked to a Divine War that was raging in Egypt some time before their uprising. This is the time of the mythical Biblical Exodus, when thousands of Yah'Awi and their humans left Egypt and started on the trek back to Judea. And when they came, they brought with them their god and his brand new Commandments.  

Phoenecia and Judea

  After the Bronze Age collapse, Yah'Awi have managed to settle the entirety of the eastern Mediterranean shore and built two lasting civilizations - Phoenicia and Judea. The former became a prominent thalassocratic merchant empire, though not alone: the maritime expertise of the Phoenicians was inherited not from land-dwelling Yah'Awi but from sea-born Mediterranean Tritonians. By 800s BC, though, Yah'Awi went into decline when their relatives, the Seyt'Ari, created their Dark Empire and conquered Phoenicia and, later, Judea too. The latter held out under many different empires - Assyrian, Persian, Macedonean, regained independence with more empowered Yah'Awi leaders, but then lost it again when the Romans came. Unlike Seyt'Ari, this is the end of the part of history influenced by Yah'Awi.

Historical Figures

In the Tanakh, the sacred scriptures of Jewish faith, it is nigh impossible to differentiate a Yah'Awi from a human. In the Old Testament, which took a lot from these scriptures, there aren't any mentions of them either. So, even the Fringe Society doesn't know if Moses, David or King Solomon were Yah'Awi, though the latter probably have been one judging from the strife for order, a distinctive feature of the species.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Yah'Awi have a love-hate relationship with their distant relatives Seyt'Awi. Once they most certainly were one people, but with time Yah'Awi became more divinity-focused all the while Seyt'Awi learned mysteries of magic. In the end, it were the Seyt'Awi that became the reason for Yah'Awi fall     There were no love lost between Yah'Awi and Seprentites and, by extent Thabenlings. But the Egyptians have proven to be more powerful. Maybe this is the reason why the snake imagery is used in the religious stories of the Fall. Fitting is the fact that Yah'Awi and Thabenlings faded into oblivion roughly at the same time, fallen in the The Great Roman Purge.

D&D Information

  Yah'Awi are inspuired by D&D Aasimar race © Wizards of the Coast. I do not claim any ownership of the species or any copyrighted WotC materials.
Up to 110-140 years | До 110-140 лет


  At this point, almost every Species article will have one   This article touches subjects that some cultures consider sacred. Please remember that Fringe Earth is a purely entertainment-based project which does not aim to offend anyone or provide commentary. Fiction is fiction.


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Dec 22, 2020 09:45

В тексте Ияхави совсем не ощущаются, как полуангельские создания, скорее старцы-мудрецы, жрецы древних храмов, любящие порядок. Может стоит избавиться от привязки этой расы к ДнД? И дисклеймер можно будет убрать.

Dec 22, 2020 13:37 by Andrew Belenkiy aka Teyvill Dost

Думал об этом, но решил, что нет. Фактор внешности играет большую роль, я их всё ещё представляю как аасимари. Дисклеймер, тем более, говорит про "вдохновлены" :)