Blitchindon Settlement in Frigranden | World Anvil


Blitchindon is a large town on the edge of Cygnus Lake. The people are a mix of Chalibeth who moved east and Northern Tribesmen whose ancestors fled the eruption of Mount Ridder in the mountain range to the northeast. Wilder than the farmlands to the west, Blitchindon is a logging and hunting town.


Like many Chalibeth holdings, every able-bodied adult is a member of the militia. North of the disputed territories, Blitchendon sometimes deals with orc raiders from the southeast.

Industry & Trade

Lumber trades to Malabre, Dahlgren Point, and through The Disputed Territory for finished goods. Game including deer, fish, and fowl trade to Lindbergh Farms for grains and beer.

Guilds and Factions

The The Loggers Guild and the Hunters Association are the most active in Blitchendon. The The Priesthood of LLontel and his Children built a major temple and orphanage on the shore of Cygnus Lake.


The main town is built in a wood frame style, but outlying buildings are log homes. Pegs on outside walls hold wreaths and garlands of local flowers, fresh in the summer and dried in the winter.


Chalibeth Interior Lands of Frigranden

Natural Resources

Timber, wildlife, waterfowl, freshwater fish, wildflowers, mushrooms, moss, and edible insects. Timber is carefully managed to avoid depleting the forest. Clearcutting is a capital offense.

Large town
Related Ethnicities