SESSION 09: GRAVESTONE Report in Forever Fallout, Missouri 2317 | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


General Summary

Previous Session: SESSION 08 - ALL-AMERICAN CITY
Players: (The Heroes of St. Louis): Lex Garridan, Linda, Mister Man, Mouse, Zero       *May 14th, 2317*
(Adventure Day 20)
    Mister Man looked out into the lifeless husk of All-American City. With the robots in slumber, the place was cold and tomb-like. His acute sensors noticed that Mouse was having an animated dream again. The robot woke the young man and asked if he was alright. Mouse reported that he had had a dream, but that it was unimportant.
  Before they left, Mouse approached the grand painting of Arthur Schlockett. The billionaire genius was an object of worship for the SchlockettBots. So, he applied his meager artistic talents to paint himself into the portrait. From then on, Mouse would be the Son of Schlockett. He made sure to leave a note beneath the portrait explaining that Arthur had a son, who would of course inherit his father's empire.
  Soon the group was headed west, stopping in the once-great agricultural centre of Soybean. The ruined town still had towering soy processing plants, but they had all fallen into complete disrepair. The party spent three hours searching for loot, but found little. They did come across a beige trilby hat in good form, which Mister Man took to wear.
  The group's next stop was Farris Theater, which had been lauded by RAM and his group of Reavers. Approaching the building, they saw many travelers waiting to see the next play. They were greeted by Arturo, a Mister Handy who led the Farris Theater as its director. Arturo noted that the show would begin in an hour and took admission fees. They all paid and Mouse took the hour to hunt, taking down a RadStag.
  The first play was The Swaggering Soldier by Plautus, a 2500 year old comedy about a Greek general who is a pompous ass. The Farris company was clearly using the play to mock Caesar Aurelian Resitutor, dressing the lead actor exactly like Aurelian. The audience laughed at the crude humour, especially when the general addressed them directly, demanding they stop laughing and treat him with respect. Linda, caught up in the excitement, threw a handful of food at the actor.
  The second play, The Skin of Our Teeth by Thornton Wilder, was a gloomy tragedy. The embattled Antrobus family suffer through tribulation after tribulation, not unlike post-nuclear America. They face each affliction with denial and disharmony, learning nothing. In the end, Sabina, the youngest daughter, addresses the audience in an emotional speech. Many in the audience cried. Soon the lights came up and the casts of both plays returned to the stage to warm applause.
  As the audience were leaving, Arturo again spoke to the group. Seeing that the group looked like a hardy bunch, he approached them for a pair of tasks. He first noted that at the Truman Library there was a Mister Handy tour guide who was trapped in the lonely museum by his programming. Arturo thought it would be a kindness if someone could reprogram this robot, perhaps to come to the Farris Theater, where he could continue to live as a performer. Also, Arturo had heard tell of a writer named Sawyer who lived in St. Petersburg, Missouri. It was said that this man was a great adventurer who had sailed across the radioactive oceans. And on his journeys to some exotic locale, he had recovered the greatest drama ever written. If someone could obtain a copy of this play, Arturo would pay any price for it. The group told the director they would consider both tasks.
  By then the sun was going down, so the group made camp for the night.
    *May 15th, 2317*
(Adventure Day 21)
    In the morning, the party headed west again, reaching the Jesse James Farm by 9am. They found a shabby little farm with a simple stone monument marking the birthplace of Jesse James. A newer, hand-painted sign marked the ground as the home of the "Midwest Pistol Lovers' Sodality." A man calling himself Wild Bill greeted them and told them about his pistol club. A small membership fee opened up trade for pistols and ammunition, and the group had a shooting challenge for prestige and a cash reward.
  Lex, remembering her champion shooting back at Camp Jefferson, was excited by the prospect of a shooting challenge. She paid the membership fee and asked for the test immediately. Wild Bill explained that the challenge was fairly simple. He would throw five saucers in the air and Lex would have to shoot them all with a single pistol before they touched the ground. The plates were thrown and Lex managed to pick them all off with her 10mm. Wild Bill was impressed, writing her name in their book as an official sharpshooter.
  The Midwest Pistol Lovers' Sodality had an inventory with a few rare items. Mouse showed Wild Bill the .44 pistol Paladin Hector had given them, looking for it to be appraised. Seeing Ticho Hector's monogram, Wild Bill wasn't interested in buying it. He said, "When someone that important gives you a gift like this, that's a bond. Kinda sacred, if you ask me and the other pistoleros here." Mouse still took the opportunity to pick up some scarce .44 magnum rounds. Lex purchased a rare replica Annie Oakley Signature Smith & Wesson Model 3 revolver. The weapon was accurate and reliable, but fired the same rare .44 magnum rounds as Paladin Hector's pistol.
  The group came next to the great atomic crater known as Gashland. Zero took Linda aside and said, "Look down south? You see that ridge? That's where I was touched by Atom. I was in a car, enjoying the company of a young lady, when a Chinese ICBM hit. I was changed right here, 240 years ago."
  "You were changed!" Linda said excitedly. "Was the girl changed too?"
  "She was," Zero replied.
  "Wow!" Linda exclaimed. "Where is she now?"
  "Hey! Look over there!" Zero interjected, changing the subject. "There's a glowing pool down there. I'm gonna take you to that."
  Half an hour later, they were on holy ground zero at the centre of the Gashland crater. There was a glowing pool of highly radioactive water. This pool was bisected by a steel wall. A congregation from the Children of Atom were on one side of the wall, baptizing followers with the glowing water. And on the other, a contingent of ghouls from the Gravestone Cathedral were doing the same thing.
  Linda was excited by the holy ritual going on, but the scene was disrupted when an errant Child of Atom accidently stepped into the Gravestone Cathedral's side of the pool. The ghoul's leader, a warrior named Chomper, stomped over, putting his hand on his gun.
  "I've had enough of you heathens! Gashland belongs to the Gravestone Cathedral! You're just our guests! You think you can do whatever you want!? You Children are a cancer, and some day I'm gonna cut you out!"
  Hostilities flared and there looked like there was going to be a shoot-out. A friend of Chomper calmed him down and the ghouls left, headed back to Gravestone. Mouse considered following Chomper and killing him before he could return, but found himself outgunned. The group spoke to the attending Children of Atom leader, Confessor Tuplev. Tuplev gave them a long blessing and bid them that if they were going to Gravestone, they should stop and the Children of Atom cathedral and warn them about the threat from Chomper.
  It was the early afternoon when the group arrived in Gravestone. Remembering their promise to retrieve ghoul ferality tests for John Giscala, they headed straight for the Gravestone Cathedral. The structure had been a nuclear missile silo before the war, but had long been converted into a church ringed with apartments and offices. They were at first turned away by the cathedral guards, but soon Proton himself spotted Zero and welcomed him in. The guards were hesitant to let the two "smoothskins," Lex and Mouse, into the cathedral. But a quick gesture from Proton was enough to silence them, such was his power.
  Proton sat with the group in the chapel and talked amiably. After a warm greeting he said, "It seems Our Lord is bringing all your friends here, Zero. Nora is now managing fighters down on 10th street. Billy, who goes by Nucleon now, was elected mayor. Maggie is now called Isomer. She's speaking again, and has taken her full vows as a nun of the Gravestone Cathedral. Did you ever find Pierce?"
  Zero's countenance sagged. "No. We never did find him," he said.
  "I'm sorry," Proton said in a compassionate tone. "I really hoped he would find his way back."
  Zero informed Proton that he was on a mission to retrieve less-than-accurate ferality tests for the ghouls created by the St. Louis attack. Proton immediately agreed in the importance of the mission, and said he believed it had been God-given. He explained that in order to make tests that would pass inspection, he would need the rare metal rhodium. It was hard to find, but Telecom City, a pre-war tech complex, would probably have a heap of the stuff.
  The group knew that both Isomer and Chomper were probably in the rectory on the cathedral grounds, but they thought it would be better to first go to Old City Hall. The mayor was an old friend of Zero, and having a powerful ally in town felt important. When they arrived there, they found a town hall meeting in session. A ghoul was droning on about how Gravestone should not submit to martial law by the Midwest Brotherhood of Steel. Mayor Nucleon was bored. He smashed his gavel, berated the speaker and ended the town hall meeting. As security cleared the room, Nucleon motioned across the hall for Zero to follow him.
  Rounding a corner, security led the group into the mayor's office. There Nucleon was waiting, a broad smile on his face.
  "Zero!" Nucleon exclaimed. "How do you like the new nose? It's deathclaw hide. It's the smell of success!"
  Zero reminisced with his old friend Billy. Nucleon also asked about Pierce, and was saddened by Zero's story. The mayor indicated that Proton was generally well-meaning, but was often playing the angles himself. He said that Willy at Burnt End Barbecue (whom Santiago the catfish farmer wanted dead) was a prominent citizen with connections, who "knew how to play ball" with the town's more corrupt elements.
  Just as the conversation was ending, Nucleon let out a long, dramatic, "Zeeeerrrooo. Zero, my old buddy. I'd bet you'd like to do me a favour. Something that's worth 50 caps. You'd like to go throw red paint on Paladin Evandre."
  Zero expressed hesitation with crossing the Brotherhood and getting into Gravestone politics.
  Nucleon only smiled wider, saying, "You're gonna do it. 'Cause if ya don't, I'm gonna hire some hobo to do it. And they're gonna get shot up with lasers. My noble friend Zero would much rather have 50 caps than have the Brotherhood shoot up a hobo with lasers, wouldn't he?"
  This wasn't the first time Billy had tried to manipulate Zero, but with stakes this high, Zero smiled and left politely.
  The group next went to the TJM building looking for the Vescovi family. Lex had helped Kiffle Vescovi on the road to Emancipation, giving him her last dose of RadAway. He had promised a reward and they now came to collect. The prestigious TJM building was home to Gravestone's elite and there they found a nervous Kiffle, forced to wear a mask over his smoothskin face and afraid to let the party into his adopted mother's apartment. He thanked them for the RadAway and gave them 30 caps from his own savings. He noted that his mother, Angela Vescovi worked at KC Power & Light and would probably like to thank them herself.
  They went directly to KC Power & Light and found Angela Vescovi. The ghoul woman was irate at first, accusing them of doing awful things to Kiffle in exchange for the RadAway. But upon learning that Lex was from a vault, she relaxed, realizing that they were naïve and selfless. She promised them that if they had fusion cores, they could bring them to her and she would recharge them for free.
  As the group were leaving, a ghoul waved down Zero, saying, "Hey, you're Zero, aren't you?"
  Zero didn't recognize this ghoul, and said, "Yeah, I'm Zero."
  The strange ghoul looked angry: "I heard you're a dumb bitch who abandons his friends. I would suggest you stay out of Gravestone. This place is better off without you. Rutherford says stay away from Isomer. But you shouldn't worry about him, you should worry about Mister Endtimes."
  The group didn't like the threats, but the ghoul seemed to be finished. They let him leave without violence, but realized that things would be far from simple in Gravestone.
  Linda was concerned about Chomper and wanted to head to the Children of Atom to warn them. They found the Children's church mostly empty, but with Confessor Tuplev away in Gashland it was lead by Inquisitor Actus. The group told Actus about Chomper's threats, and he admitted that he had heard of the ghoul, who had made threats before. During the conversation, he noticed that Linda spoke as a Child of Atom. This confused him, as in Gravestone, super mutants (called "grands") were usually members of the Gravestone Cathedral, while the Children of Atom were humans-only. He asked Linda how she came to the religion.
  Linda said, “Mum and Dad were Children and then they died. Some people found me. Then I got taken. And I got sick and they gave me medicine. Atom saved me and made me strong. I lived with Mother Sage for a while, but then she told me I couldn’t stay anymore and had to go.”
  "A fascinating story," Inquisitor Actus hissed. "Linda, can we speak together privately, as Children?"
  The group was hesitant, but Linda seemed receptive. She walked to a corner of the church with Actus and the rest waited outside.
  Actus leaned in to Linda conspiratorially, "It seems to me that your strength didn't come to you for free. You owe Atom for his gift. Atom wants us to do good, but for the Children to be free to do good, some of us must sacrifice. And Atom may judge us for that, but isn't the sacrifice worth it? For the Children? For Division? Reaver Manufacturing has a pre-war implosion detonator. Cease it, for Atom. Your ghoul can get you into the heathen's cathedral. Descend to the second sub-level, there you will see weapons amassed against us, weapons to be used to hurt the Children of Atom. Detonate the device somewhere on sub-level 2, it will collapse their temple of wickedness, while sparing the rectory around it. No one will be hurt, only their murderous weapons."
  Mister Man, with his advanced sensors caught some of Actus's violent planning and warned the group. They stomped back into the church just as he was finishing. They pulled Linda away from the Inquisitor. As they left, Actus shouted after, encouraging Linda to enact his plan. "For the Children!"
  Lex still had the issue of diversiform encryption locking her out of Mister Man's Vault 40 data. Denisa the hacker back in Booneville had recommended MegaByte at Reaver Manufacturing, so they headed there. The Reavers headquarters was a busy lab with many technicians, but they soon found MegaByte.
  MegaByte explained that diversiform encryption can't be hacked, but always contains a key that explains how to produce the password. Lex gave MegaByte the key and he said he'd need an hour to understand it. They showed him the Vault 44 devices from All-American City and he recognized them right away.
  "These are LobotJoy implants, for holy suicide," MegaByte said. "The 44 vaulties, Caesar's Legion call them the Doleo, they hid these in All-American City to test the Reavers. I sent a group with a Reaver named RAM to retrieve it. Did you see them, or see their bodies?"
  The group lied and assured MegaBtye that they had never heard of RAM. He offered to buy the implants and they accepted 360 caps for all of them. Mister Man asked about replacing his buzzsaw arm and MegaByte assured him that they could, but the process would take about an hour.
  Lex and Mister Man stayed at Reaver Manufacturing while Zero and Linda headed to 10th Street to see Nora. Mouse took the opportunity to stake out Willy at Burnt Ends Barbecue. He remembered how Santiago had been cheated and how Nucleon had implied that Willy was corrupt. A view of the restaurant showed it was busy with many robots cooking in the back. Willy was clearly rich and influential.
  The 10th Street Battleground was an old parking facility which had been converted to a combat sports megaplex. Within the fighters' locker room, it was easy to find Nora. Zero greeted Nora warmly and she received him in kind. They talked a little and she asked about Pierce. She was also saddened to learn Zero hadn't recovered him.
  Nora described how fighters could engage in boxing, cattle prod fights or a grand melee. Linda and Zero were intrigued by all of them. They signed up with Nora for Zero to box, Linda to fight with prods and for both of them to wrestle in the grand melee. Nora told them to return at sundown and expressed that she was very glad to see Zero again. Zero asked about Mister Endtimes, and Nora said that she didn't know much. But she could say that he was some sort of crime boss, and not to be trifled with.
  Reconvening at Reaver Manufacturing, the group could see Mister Man's new arm: a pneumatic launcher that could throw grenades long distance. MegaByte also had made progress with the diversiform encryption key. It turned out the password was the Earth's magnetic field in microteslas, down to 13 decimals. Unfortunately, the field had changed since it was measured before the war, and the equipment to measure it was long gone. He apologized and said there was nothing to be done.
  Lex remembered that in the Vault 40 workshops she had measured the Earth's magnetic field with a Helmholtz coil. MegaByte at first was frustrated, explaining that the device couldn't measure 13 decimals. But then he realized that the coil could be scaled up for more accuracy. They would need a very large metal tower, at least 50 feet, and convert it into a Helmholtz coil. The weather station at Earth Anchor, just north of Emancipation, had an antenna that would do - if it was still standing. Lex was frustrated, but accepted that this data would continue to send her on a wild goose chase.
  At the mention of a large metal tower, Mouse revealed the subject of the dream he had had back in All-American City. He had seen a 50-foot metal tower during the summer two years ago. He had dug something there with his hands - if it was even a memory, and not just a dream. The group wondered if he wasn't somehow seeing the future.
  Still interested in Santiago's reward for taking out Willy, the group decided to just go to Burnt Ends Barbecue and check it out. Willy greeted them and noted that it was all-you-can-eat barbecue, but drinks were extra. The group dug in for a delicious feast of expertly prepared brahmin. Speaking with Willy, they found the man haughty and abrasive. Willy admitted that he had cheated Santiago, just like he had cheated many suppliers before. He remarked that they should be grateful to have their meat featured in his famous restaurant. If anything, they owed him money for the "exposure." When the party expressed disapproval, Willy mentioned that he was a personal friend of Mister Endtimes, and they should be more respectful. Willy then left their company and they finished their elaborate meal.
    It was time for the evening's fights on 10th street. The group headed that way, except for Mouse, who ducked into an alley. He knew Willy would soon be heading home and planned to follow.
  The first fight of the evening was a cattle prod match between Linda and Clubber Fang, a local professional fighter. The two clashed, shocking each other with their weapons. Mister Man and Lex shouted from the corner, advising and motivating Linda to fight better. Clubber landed some solid hits, but Linda's powerful swings were too damaging. She was soon victorious.
  Mouse spotted Willy going into his home. Two well-armed mercenaries guarded the building. Mouse had to be slow and careful, but eventually he stood only 20 feet from Willy with an open window between them. Willy was looking into his bathroom mirror, going through his bedtime routine. Mouse drew his bow and put an expertly placed arrow into his throat. Willy's eyes went wide as he failed to draw breath. He fell backwards, kicking and struggling, but unable to shout. The mercs came running, but Mouse was already away.
  When he had gotten a few streets distance, Mouse felt that he had escaped and was about to go into the light and walk casually. But he noticed something moving out of the corner of his eye. Just in case he was being followed, Mouse turned a corner and doubled-back. It turned out to be a wise choice, because he saw what had been tailing him. It was a deathclaw wearing a suit jacket, and Mouse saw it going into the Racket Nightclub.
  The next fight was Zero's boxing match. He was up against Zarina, a hungry young fighter. Zarina was fast and dodged with grace, but her blows landed soft. Zero's hefty jaw took strike after strike, but he wouldn't drop. With Lex and Mister Man shouting him on, Zero caught Zarina with a few strong blows. Eventually, Zarina's speed failed her and her hands dropped with fatigue. Zero saw his chance and he threw a punch so heavily that it twisted his wrist and broke it.
  Zarina fell to the mat. Their first day in Gravestone had proved to be interesting, and it wasn't even wrestling time yet...

Rewards Granted

+1 Level. (Level 4 now)  
  • Free fusion core recharges at KC Power & Light
  • Missions/Quests Completed

  • went to Angela Vescovi for a reward for helping Kiffle
  • went to MegaByte to learn how to break diversiform encryption on the Vault 40 data
  • killed Willy for Santiago of Elmwood Hatchery
  • Character(s) interacted with

  • Arturo, the director of the Farris Theater
  • Chomper, a warrior of the Gravestone Cathedral
  • Confessor Tuplev, leader of the Gravestone Children of Atom
  • Proton, leader of the Gravestone Cathedral
  • Nucleon, aka Billy, mayor of Gravestone and an old friend of Zero
  • Angela Vescovi, an electric power specialist
  • MegaByte, leader of the Gravestone Reavers
  • Nora, a fighting manager and old friend of Zero
  • Willy, owner and manager of Burnt Ends Barbecue
  • Report Date
    04 Jul 2021
    Primary Location


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