RoA Session 3 Report in Florenic Worlds | World Anvil

RoA Session 3

General Summary

18th of Mid-Vibrant, 1723

After taking some time in their new tavern, the Terrible Tarrasques discover that the wretched arkenwraith is not far behind. Fergus was attacked in the basement, scared from the encounter. The party decided to heed Alistair Fugue's letter and traveled to Herenberg Castle.

While there, they first met Gilbert Brennan who was being aided by servants off the dock. When heading to the castle, they saw Wilhelm von Albrecht and Harlow Eredris bickering about where the eladrin girl's father could be. Wilhelm believing that he's dead and Harlow believing that the Doctrine Society kidnapped him. When those two and the party saw each other, the two went off to their rooms.


19th of Mid-Vibrant, 1723

During the night, the party dreamed about the arkenwraith being impeded by an invisible barrier around the castle. Irritated, the creature leaped at them. Waking up to servants knocking on their doors, the party is escorted to have breakfast with the other guests in the dining hall. There, they meet Perceval Holm and Erinna Cress dining with Father Brennan, Wilhelm von Albrecht, and Harlow Eredris. After brief introductions, that's when Alistair Fugue stepped into the room with Carric Kavahl, a member of the Arkonian Order.

Alistair reassures the party that he intends on banishing the arkenwraith that has followed them from Mandus' factory. That's why many of the guests there were invited to the occasion.

Toad stayed behind during dinner to eavesdrop on Alistair Fugue, Perceval Holm, and Wilhelm von Albrecht. She overheard that Alistair wants Wilhelm to move the "conjurer" from the prisons and into the choir. Perceval was confused by the matter but Alistair reassured him that it was some troublemaker irresponsible with fiend summoning.

After the party was informed, Draxtuin proceeded to follow Wilhelm down into the prisons to extract an eladrin prisoner. The session left off with Draxtuin in disguise, now in the Nave of Herenberg castle, still following Wilhelm and Alistair's servants in red uniforms.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Gilbert Brennan
  • Harlow Eredris
  • Wilhelm von Albrecht
  • Perceval Holm
  • Erinna Cress
  • Alistair Fugue
  • Carric Kavahl
Attending Characters
  • Draxtuin Kilnstern (Dragonborn Rogue)
  • Falco Peregrinus (Aarakocra Barbarian)
  • Fergus "Scotch" McTavish (Human Blood Hunter)
  • Toad (lightfoot halfling monk)
Report Date
29 Mar 2020

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