God Rank/Title in Flat Earth | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Who is a God?

A God is simply anyone who owns a world they created on their own. No matter who they are, what place or dimension they live in, no matter their age, gender, education, as long as they have created a world and its people, they are a God. 12 year olds creating mary sue OCs, all powerful entities of dimensions beyond our understanding and imagination, chances are that even you, traveler of this multiverse are a creator and a God of a world of your very own.

How does one become a God?

This one is simple, one becomes a God simply by deciding to become a God. Of course, a God does not need anyone else's permission to be a God, and no one can tell them what they can or can’t do. There is only one simple rule to it - you have to have at least one world that you are a creator or a co-creator of. But I don’t need to tell you this, we all are here with the goal and the intention to build our own worlds.

And as no one can tell a God what they can or can’t do, no one is really to put rules on what does or doesn’t count as a good enough world - as long as you have something you’re good to go.

Hierarchy of Gods

Of course, as a traveler of this multiverse, you’re probably already thinking of one thing. If you went out there and proclaimed yourself a God you may be met with strange looks, or even land yourself in a mental health facility of some kind. The problem with the title of a God is, you’re only really a God to the people and the world you created. Here, you’re only a slave to a God in the dimention above you - the one who created this world.

Similarly, anyone in the world you created could just as well create a world of their own, and so become a God in their own right. Then, someone in that world could create a new world, and someone in that world could make yet a new world, thus creating an endless string of worlds between worlds.

And in the same fashion, Glitter God and Satan themselves live in a world of other entities just like them, some of which have created their own worlds and so earned the title of a God. Again, it’s almost certain that even our own Glitter God and Satan were created by an entity above them, and that entity was created by another, even more superior entity and so on.

Is there a single original divine entity who was the first to start this string of created worlds? Possibly. But we are not here to figure that one out.

Glitter God and Satan

The two Gods of our world are Glitter God and Satan. Just like anyone else, they lived in a world with other Gods just like them, who created their own worlds. Unlike many of them who tend to be a lot less involved with their worlds, they decided to take the different route. They live right in our Flat Earth and keep themselves heavily involved with the world and people’s lives. This is quite uncommon for Gods to do, but Glitter God and Satan are not the ones to leave anything in their world up for a coincidence. They don’t necessarily care too much about being worshipped, but seeing who pays more attention to you makes it easier to decide who to help out more. Thus, similar to many other Gods they have their own religion that revolves around worshipping them. You can read more about the religion of GlitterGoth here.

Form of Address
The Resplendent one, Holy Satan
Source of Authority
The title is not given, it is taken
Length of Term
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