Half-Orcs Species in Exorsia | World Anvil
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Half-Orcs are the offspring of Orcs and Humans. Half-Orcs more closely resemble Orcs than Humans, while they have slimmer bodies than Orcs, they also possess tusks, natural muscles and the skin tone of Orcs.   Half-Orcs struggle to be accepted by many orcish communities who see them as weaker, flawed and impure. They are more commonly found living among humans, and though some people see them and mindless brutes it is rare. Children of Half-Orcs are always Half-Orcs themselves.


  Complexion: Half-Orc skin tones range from grey to a greenish complexion.   Hair: Half-Orc hair ranges from black to brown, commonly turning gray or white with age.   Eyes: Half-Orcs tend to have either brown or yellow coloured eyes.


  Half-Orcs mature slightly faster than Humans, reaching adulthood around the age of 16.


  Half-Orcs reproduce similarly to Humans. The gestation period for a Half-Orc is around 10 months.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
80 Years
Average Height
1.8 - 2 m (6 - 7 ft)
Geographic Distribution

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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