Humble Pebble Item in Excellence | World Anvil
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Humble Pebble

Written by TheExasperatedDM

Easily forgotten when it's use is no more, however, the pebble is humble and waits for their moment to be something more. Separated from their home, but giving company to other pebbles from interesting, different places and supporting each other under the weight of malevolent beings.   Waiting for the one; who will smile down, let them experience home again, and transform them to something more.
— a humble pebble life
The humble pebble's hope is to find home again, but many find a purpose in the mysterious rush only the One can give. There are only four feelings, the humble pebble can experience; contentment, hope, deep sadness, and the mysterious rush. Hope to reach their goals gets them through the deep sadness of being crushed by malevolent beings, separation from home, and the long wait for the One's mysterious rush.


Mysterious Rush

The 'mysterious rush' is the sensation of magic focused into the pebble. Spells can be stored and cast from a pebble for later use. Children will scoop up many pebbles to attempt to focus magic into them. However, their inexperience and lack of knowledge only limits their spellcasting. It is a common sight at Torch Key Wharf and other major cities of children playing and attempting to practice magic.  

Pebble Fights

Hiding around corners waiting to ambush each other, children utilize a spell that boosts the damage and range of a thrown pebble to have mock battles. Though these "battles" are more real than mock with many children having bruises, cuts, and small swelling spots from thrown pebbles. It is not uncommon for a child to be unconscious from this spell, however, this does not stop them from using it.   The 'pebble' spell is used for getting rid of swarms of Amphiptere for a short period of time. It has been used in protests by the people, and incident at Sklale, the infamous mage school, was reported to have students wielding this spell against teachers.  

The Lesson

We're here to control the weather, make fortresses appear from nothing, or even just fly. Not make a pebble change colors!
— an impatient student
Pebbles are used as a starting point for students of magic. Most students have this childhood familiarity and the pebble's easy availability is why it is the first object students must practice spells on. The pebble is one of the most important lesson the students must learn and they hate it. Even the Cuvar of Torch Key Wharf pauses for the humble pebble for it is humble yet mighty.  

Incident "Reports"

Location: Sklale (Is-ka-ale), Vatriasia

Summary: Students protest against Master Mages by throwing 'pebble' spells. Later a Master Mage punished the students for a day.

  Incident #1: Protesting Students
Why is Master Faulkener's brow cut? Where has he been? Out on a mission?
Where have you been!? It's the only thing students are talking about.
I've been buried under these incantations Faulkner has assigned me. I've hardly spoken, or seen Faulkner, much less other students.
Well, they have earned their title of 'Pebbler'. They were doing Transmutation color-change on their pebbles and didn't like the Master's reply. They casted the 'pebble' spell at the Masters, while the Masters did have their shields, one pebble managed to slice Faulkner's brow.
.......those poor fools...

  Incident #2: Master Retaliates
Master Faulkner, your injury was tended too. The students were to receive a heavy chore regiment for their careless behavior. Tell us why you choose to punish them and then reward them with advanced training.
I did not expect your quick interference into my teaching. Some of these students are under my tutelage for years to come and must learn the 'Pebble' lesson. However, these students have been stuck on this lesson for far too long and I refuse to waste their potential on peddling magic items. Especially, a student who can manage to slip a pebble past two Master's wards.
Master Faulkner, the students will not be expelled for their inability now as you have given them an advanced spell. Continue your testament and not your criticisms of our system.
Very well. Using the pebble that managed to slip past my warding, I surpassed the pebble's magic capacity by connecting it to my own. As the 'Pebble' lesson is to teach students the difference between Magic Capacity and Potential. I choose a direct method to teach them this lesson and give them a punishment.
My manipulation of the pebble's capacity and the advanced spellwork demonstrated the full lesson of the 'Pebble' lesson. After the students managed to free themselves, they began to understand the lesson and their desire to learn was reinforced. Thus these students sought me out to learn how I managed to leave them stranded to their dorm ceilings for a day with only a pebble. I did not reward them with advanced spellwork. It was a test, though my spellwork had left me weakened, I could still manage any damages caused by their inexperience.

Smaller, or "palm-sized"
Base Price
Time to locate one
Pebble -any small stone, harden clay, or lump of dirt.   Formation A pebble can be summoned through Conjuration, transformed from another material through Transmutation, or formed through natural forces.
Settlement | Jun 7, 2020
Species | Nov 18, 2019

A pest..A drink..A messenger


Author's Notes

The people are not very concerned just warn the children not to leave each other passed out on the street. Traditional healing and Healing Magic exists so a seriously injured child will be cared for.   Honestly, I want to hear what people like about this and what they expected from it. - SummerCamp2019

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Jul 4, 2019 06:59 by Jaime Buckley

Hahaha....this is brilliant. I enjoy twists and various perspectives when it comes to worldbuilding.   People wondered how I could use a Pug Puppy as a beast of burden,...and now you offer a pebble. I love it.

Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
Subscribe to Life of Fiction to see the live results of all this worldbuilding.
Jul 4, 2019 07:03

You and a very nice, lovely lady who was on Twitch influenced this creation most likely

Jul 4, 2019 23:29 by Mihkel Rand

Well done, this was enjoyable to read! The incident reports were especially fun to read. However, I do have a question, and I spotted a few things that you might want to tweak.   Does anyone feel concerned about the children tossing pebbles at each other? It seems somewhat dangerous. A hit to the eye could be pretty serious. Has anyone tried stopping them?  

I choose a direct method to teach them this lesson and give them punish.
There seems to be something weird about this sentence. Did you mean to say "I chose a direct method to teach them the lesson and gave them a punishment."?  
I did not reward them with advance spellwork. It was a test, though my spellwork had left me weaken, I could still manage any damages caused by their inexperience.
I marked a few of the words in bold. The advance should be advanced and the weaken should be weakened.   Other than those minor nitpicks the article was really interesting. Keep up the great work!

Creator of Lethea and Pekkola

Maker of Maps
Jul 5, 2019 07:51 by Griclav

I really like this. I saw the article title on discord and thought "what?", which only strengthened as I read. I'm still a little confused, but both the idea of using an incredibly dull and common item to practice channeling weak magic, and the idea that every single pebble has a sort of sentience are really nice ideas. The incident reports at the end are a little hard for me to follow, as I had trouble identifying who was speaking to whom, but they add a lot of flavor to the article.

Jul 5, 2019 09:11

It was kind of difficult at first to figure out if this was a spell, a jest or a commonday item, but it is well written and the second incident prompt was particularly enjoyable.  

The humble pebble's hope is to find home again, however, many find their purpose to feel something that only the One can give.
  I would consider cutting out the ", however," as the double comma introduces a bit of a clunk in the middle. You could use, "home again, but many find"... for example  
Most pebbles feel contentment in a place called 'home', however, deep sadness is a common feeling among pebbles.
  Another place where you could probably cut it. If you decide not to, I would suggest doing it in at least one of the two spots. The two so close together kind of stand out as a repetition.  
It is not uncommon for a child to be unconscious from this spell, however, this doesn't not stop them from using it.
  And another one.. :D   It is an interesting introduction to some of the magic teaching in your setting: I wonder if there's anything else to it? Are there magi-artists who use magic to create mosiacs of pebbles? Is there any sort of pebble-holiday where you give peoples of certain colors to people or anything like that? Are there any superstitions related to them? - stuff like that could help go onto the side panel, if you'd like.   It's an enjoyable read and I hope to see more stuff from this place in Summer Camp :D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Jul 5, 2019 14:34

Overall, I enjoyed reading about how you gave the pebbles human emotions and a form of sentience. I am also amazed by your ability to take something as simple as a pebble and make it into it's own full fledged article. Overall, I like how you took everyday things (kids throwing things at each other) and added a magic twist to it. Other up sides would be the now obvious use of pebbles when it comes to practicing magic. Reading your notes, it seems you are looking for any 'peddles' in your article. I noticed the use of peddling in your second word bubble for the 'Master Retaliates' section. the sentence goes as such; "and I refuse to waste their potential on peddling magic items."

Jul 8, 2019 10:30 by Lauren

I was giggling from start to finish! The Humble Pebble is a great way to engage your audience while informing your readers on your magic system. Linking Humble Pebble to other articles was a great idea. I agree with a lot of the other comments on here, so I won't repeat any of that. My biggest message: I love your creativity and I look forward to reading more of your work!

"If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting the rest of our lives." -Lemony Snicket