Amphiptere Species in Excellence | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Although the amphiptere shares afew physiological features with a dragon, it has evolved distinguishing features. Teeth as sharp and shaped like needles are used to make puncture wounds in the prey. Interestingly, these creatures are adapted to inflict massive bleeding.   A stinger is attached to the end of the creature's tail and similar to other creatures with this feature, it contains venom. The venom is unique in it's ability to numb and rot flesh. Unusual, puzzling combination till the creatures swarmed into the city allowing their behavior to be observed and recorded.
As the creature's prey dies from blood loss, the amphiptere moves to the prey's body. The amphiptere stings the body of the prey repeatedly before moving it to another location. During the attack, the amphiptere lost it's teeth and ate with gums on the rotten flesh. It does not seem to have the ability break it's jaw like a snake nor dragon's breath.
— scribe

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

After the taming of this creature, swarms have become common within cities. A single amphiptere can deliver messages while a swarm can carry packages through the city. However, taming a single amphiptere is difficult and taming a swarm without magic would cause death.   It is possible to harvest the venom from the creature, however; the process requires multiple, reliable sources and distilling. Amphiptere wine and beer has begun to be offered in affected cities. Unfortunately, the distilling of liquors from this creature vary in how well the venom is removed, as well as, bleeding from swallowed teeth.

Cover image: by TheExasperatedDM


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